This story unfolds with Elucina seeking justice and revenge to fight for her crown, discovering lies from those closest to her, and fighting off the tragedies that fate has in store for her.
#revenge #tragedy #slowpaced
Princess Elucina's dream crumbles when the King, releases a decree that changes everything. Her father revealed the existence of her older sister, Vanetta, now the heiress.
Suddenly, Elucina finds herself stripped of her crown, her fiancé, and the support of her social circle. Determined to reclaim her place, she vows to expose Vanetta, raised as a commoner, as unfit to the throne of Ethara, and reclaim what she believes is rightfully hers.
Entry for CQ June 2024: The Heiress' Comeback
overall good...........................................................
gacha and I approached her and she said she would be a sealed container that allows no light
this book is good to reading in pass of time
Writing quality is good, story development in this early stage is pretty good as well. Character design, updating stability and world background is NOT satisfactory
this novel is good to read and story will messmerizing you
here is a review .......................
chapter 1 ..and .... Don't know . I'll read more than see thanks
. . .
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blab blab blab blbla bla bla bla blab bla
interesting story, I wouldn't recommend ♡
here is a review .......................
It’s a pretty good novel I definitely recommend it
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