The Dress of Discord (2)

As they stepped into the great hall, the doors swung open, revealing a herald standing ready by the entrance. He straightened his posture, pushing his chest forward to announce, "His Majesty and Her Highnesses!" his voice booming across the hall.

The noise inside abruptly halted as all heads turned in their direction. Soon, they bowed their heads, fixing their gazes on the floor as the royals passed by.

"King Aetheran and Princess Vanetta," the herald called upon their names, piercing through the silence. Coming in late, he continued to announce the last person. "As well as, Princess Elucina."

'Hah! As well as?' Elucina thought to herself. She clenched her hand into the fabric of her dress, knuckles turning white. She pressed her lips into a thin line briefly, feeling her mood ruined by this herald. 

'Hmph.' Elucina shot a glare at him, who twitched under her sharp gaze. Turning her attention back, she followed behind the two figures in front of her, trying to keep a straight face despite being clearly displeased.

Elucina stood slightly behind and to the right of the King. Across from her, Vanetta stood at the center of the throne platform, still holding onto the King's arm.

Just before they were to take their seats, the King's command rang through the entire hall. "Rise, my lords and ladies," he said.

The crowd soon raised their heads and gazed upon the royal family standing in front of them. Initially, the absence of the Queen caught their attention and they fought themselves to murmur about it.

However, for some reason, despite her absence, they would feel her presence held by the right side of the King. Only when they looked longer did they recognize it was actually Elucina, wearing a particular dress for tonight's event. To be more specific, Queen Esteria's dress when she debuted.

Immediately, the crowd could no longer resist murmuring among themselves, their voices sharp but low, causing a soft buzz throughout the great hall before the entire event had even started.

"Goodness, I, Isn't that the Queen's debut dress?" one lady of a family whispered, eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Bold! Scandalous even for her to wear that tonight, especially since it's Princess Vanetta's debut!" another commented, her voice filled with shock, yet her lips were curled upward slightly from the unfolding drama.

A lady opened her fan, covering her mouth as she whispered, "Wha, What is she trying to prove by wearing that dress?" Her gaze did not leave Elucina.

"Is it not clear that she is making a statement?" someone remarked, sounding proud and on the side of the prior crowned heiress.

The murmurs continued to spread through the crowd. Soon, someone pointed and whispered, "Look at Princess Vanetta. She has no idea. How sad." Her voice held genuine sympathy as she watched the oblivious princess, confused about what was happening.

"..." Affected by the murmurs about her and puzzled, Vanetta glanced over her shoulder at Elucina, who maintained an unreadable expression as she remained standing in her position.

The King, aware of the murmurs, silenced them, redirecting everyone's focus to the ceremony at hand. He declared, "Silence!"

The great hall fell silent once more, and the King began to speak. "My honored guests," he began, "I am grateful for your presence tonight. This evening is dedicated to celebrating the official debut of my daughter, Princess Vanetta." 

A couple of nods came from the crowds as the King continued his speech. "Despite the rush of the ball, I ask that you all focus on her and join me in creating a night that she will cherish forever."

Elucina caught the subtle meaning of her father's speech. Despite the attention on her, she took it as fuel that burned her satisfaction knowing everything was falling into place to overshadow Vanetta and disrupt her night.

Among the crowd, Elucina swept her eyes through to find the Duke of Solmere, who was easily noticeable by his striking hair. And of course, she found him with narrowed eyes fixed directly on her. She could not resist but beam the brightest smile at him, seeing his face turning red with suppressed anger.

'How does he like that?'

Oh, how Elucina enjoyed the start of the night.

Elucina sat in her chair next to the empty seat meant for her absent mother. She watched the noble families ascending on the throne platform one by one, to see the light of the night and present their gifts. They headed their way on the opposite side, where Vanetta sat in the chair designated for her, positioned next to the King.

Soon, Elucina caught sight of a familiar face that came to approach Vanetta. It was Duke Voncrow, who arrived accompanied by two servants: one of which carrying a cloth-covered cylinder-shaped object, and the other holding a leather case.

The Duke bowed first to the King, then to Vanetta in sequence, with Elucina receiving the bow last. "I have brought Princess Vanetta a special gift," he said, gesturing to the first servant to uncover the item.

Before it was even revealed, there were sounds of wing flutters from within. And when the servant promptly removed the cloth cover, two beautiful birds stretched their wings inside the golden cage.

"Oh!" Vanetta's eyes widened as she saw the birds. "What are they called, Your Grace?"

"They are parrots; birds that can mimic our speech, Your Highness," the Duke explained, gesturing for the servant holding the cage to bring it closer to the Princess. "And I found them as a pair."

The King asked curiously, "Are they a couple?"

"No, they are female and siblings, Your Majesty," the Duke clarified.

Vanetta watched the two parrots, where one was cleaning its features, while the other gazed back at her curiously, occasionally tilting its head playfully.

She reached out her hands to accept the cage from the servant, who handed it over. Vanetta then placed the cage carefully on her lap. "They are beautiful… I love them. Thank you, Your Grace." 

Duke Voncrow bowed. "It is my pleasure, Your Highness," he said. However, before he could leave, the Duke turned to the King and added, "Although I understand this is Princess Vanetta's evening, I would also like to present something to Princess Elucina. But of course, with your permission, Your Majesty."

The King paused briefly, glancing at Elucina over his shoulder, and replied, "You may."