
"Boss, Rika just called and said that they will be here soon. Should I make some preparations?"

Dominic, who was originally pointing his knife at someone kneeling below him, immediately looked up when he heard the report. His lips formed a smile as he casually cleaned the knife he was holding using the man's scarred shirt.

"You made a big mistake by betraying me, Hugo. I will make sure you regret it with my own hands," whispered Dominic meaningfully. He straightened up afterward, looking lazily at Hugo, who could only grit his teeth angrily through the pain he felt.

"Take him away and clean up this mess," said Dominic to the man who had just entered.

The man nodded. "Okay, Boss," he said, dragging Hugo's bloodied body.

Dominic walked out calmly, even though his heart was speeding just by imagining that there would finally be a time when Alexa would take the initiative to come to his office herself. Dominic adjusted the suit he was wearing before meeting two people, one man and one woman, who were faithfully standing guard in front of the elevator, which could only be accessed by him and the people he permitted to.

"You want to go out, Boss?" asked the woman when she saw Dominic walking towards them. Dominic nodded while the man immediately swiped the card to open the special elevator.

"Does Boss want to eat out? Didn't all the business outside finish yesterday?" asked the man curiously. Dominic got into the elevator with them before finally answering their questions.

"Alexa wants to stop by the office, so I'll pick her up. Jasper, Flora, watch your attitude when you meet her later. Don't say anything unnecessary," warned Dominic seriously. Jasper, the man, nodded obediently. Meanwhile, Flora raised her thumb as a sign of understanding.

"Don't worry Boss. We won't lose to Rika in that matter," said Flora confidently. Dominic nodded in satisfaction. They finally arrived when the elevator doors opened on the first floor of Dominic's company building.

Seeing that the boss had come down to the lobby, all the employees who passed Dominic greeted the man politely. Dominic didn't care about that. His feet just continued to walk quickly towards the entrance to his company building with great anticipation for Alexa's arrival.

As fate would have it, when Dominic reached the main entrance, Rika and Alexa happened to have just gotten out of the car that Dominic had prepared. Alexa immediately looked up after getting out of the car. Her eyes were locked on Dominic, who smiled gently as the man came to greet her.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" Dominic asked, a little concerned. Alexa nodded. "I'm satisfied, Dom," she said honestly. Dominic smiled. His hand reached out to take Alexa's free hand.

In the midst of many people's gazes, it felt rude if Alexa simply refused. She finally let Dominic take her hand while her feet began to enter the large company.

Alexa already guessed that Dominic was a rich person, very rich, in fact. He has a big house with a large yard, a row of eye-catching cars, and piles of clothes made from the best quality materials. But looking at Dominic company, her husband seemed to be much richer than she could have imagined.

Dominic can marry anyone with his handsome face and plenty of money. Alexa asked herself again. Why does Dominic have to defend her, who has cheated and has nothing?

"Baby, why are you thinking, hm?"

Whether it's just Alexa's feelings or not, Dominic seems to be more clingy to her when he's outside the house. The man kept teasing her because he knew it would be impossible for Alexa to refuse his treatment when so many people were watching them.

"Ah, no. I'm fine," said Alexa. Her eyes looked at the two people who were loyally following Dominic. Seeing the way they stuck to Dominic like shadows, Alexa suddenly felt that they were similar to Rika in many ways.

Following Alexa's gaze, Dominic could guess what was on his wife's mind. He stopped walking while his body moved slightly to give Alexa space to see the two of them.

"That man's name is Jasper, and she is Flora. They have the job of protecting me. You knew each other before," said Dominic. Alexa smiled as a greeting, while Jasper and Flora were a little surprised to see that Alexa was smiling all this time.

"Nice to meet you again then," said Alexa politely. Like Rika, both of them can change expressions quickly. The two of them smiled back while their eyes looked familiarly at Alexa.

"You don't need to be too strict with us, Madam. Unlike Rika, who is always serious, we are more friendly towards the masters we serve," said Flora. In contrast to Rika, Flora seems more approachable and expresses more. Alexa smiled unconsciously. Alexa seemed to be dealing with a child when she was with Flora.

"Okay, Flora. I will try to be more relaxed with you," Alexa said in reply. Flora smiled after hearing Alexa's answer. Thanks to her cheerfulness, Alexa easily felt comfortable among them.

They continued their journey towards the special elevator, with many pairs of eyes staring at them.

"My wife and I want to be alone inside."

Arriving upstairs, Dominic immediately turned around to give his subordinates orders. The three nodded in agreement. On a floor where Dominic is in the only room it, the room should be safe as long as they are the only ones holding the card to open access to the elevator, which is the only way into Dominic's floor.

Leaving them, Dominic led Alexa into his room. Dominic went to prepare a drink while Alexa was asked to sit on the large sofa in the room.

"So, are you the owner of a super successful company, Dom?" Alexa asked. Dominic chuckled. He saved the water he brought to the table with some fruit he prepared especially for Alexa.

"Do I look like that?" said Dominic, asking Alexa back. Alexa raised her eyebrows. "You are, aren't you?" she said in disbelief. Bodyguard, a floor to himself, Dominic is what if not a company owner?

"I do have a clean company, Lexa. But I can't collect all this wealth just from that. I am a businessman. But to become who I am now, I didn't always use clean means to get what I wanted."

While explaining, Doninic's eyes never left the expressions shown by Alexa. He thought his wife would be angry or at least surprised. But Alexa just looked at him with calm eyes.

"Aren't you surprised?" Dominic asked. Alexa nodded. She leaned her body calmly on the soft sofa.

"I had suspected that before. You... have a different aura from ordinary people, Dom. Not only that but in the lobby earlier, I could see that all the guards in your office had guns hidden beneath their clothes. An ordinary company shouldn't have such things. But I don't want to believe something just on such a weak assumption."

"Because of that, I am grateful that you chose to be honest with me first."

Hearing Alexa's explanation, Dominic smiled slightly again. Even when Alexa loses her memory, her accuracy doesn't decrease one bit. The woman was still able to analyze everything calmly and didn't immediately believe anything anyone said if she didn't have her evidence.

Her previous life experiences seem to still stick well without Alexa realizing it.

"Then, will you leave me after knowing my job?" Dominic asked. His dark eyes didn't emit any light as he stared straight into Alexa's eyes. His hand moved to gently stroke Alexa's hair, making Alexa feel a strange feeling that had been happening recently.

Those eyes full of obsession locked directly onto Alexa's eyes as if not allowing her to look away even for a moment.

"I... won't do it," said Alexa. Dominic stopped stroking Alexa's hair after she answered. When Dominic withdrew his hand, Alexa couldn't guess the man's emotions again when he started to smile a little as usual.

Alexa knew Dominic was waiting for her explanation. She took a deep breath before continuing her words.

"I don't have any right to stop you, Dom. As your wife, I have to follow you no matter what your current job is. Moreover, a person without memories like me is not necessarily cleaner than you. My affair alone is a sign that I am not a good person before."

Dominic shook his head and then glanced at the beautiful gem ring that was wrapped around Alexa's finger.

"You're a good person, Baby. I'm lucky to have you in my life," said Dominic. Alexa smiled, even though in her heart she was thinking how a man like Dominic could be so crazy about a woman like her.

"You made me feel that I was someone special, Dom," said Alexa, embarrassed by how adoring Dominic's gaze looked at her.

"You are special," Dominic replied confidently. Alexa stared at him for a long time, before taking the initiative to hug Dominic of her own accord.

"Thank you, Dom. I really appreciate your words," said Alexa honestly. Dominic's body stiffened when Alexa's arms wrapped around his body before he finally hugged Alexa back.

For the first time, Dominic was finally able to untie the knots that tied his heart a little in the past.