Not The First Time


"Honey? Can I come in?"

Alexa, who was originally leaning comfortably in her bathroom bathtub, immediately opened her eyes as soon as she heard her husband's familiar voice. "Wait a minute," she said, a little shouting, before slowly getting out of the bathtub. While walking, Alexa grabbed her bathrobe, which was hanging next to the bathroom door. Alexa walked quickly towards the door, where Dominic's handsome face immediately greeted her as soon as the door finally opened.

"Ah, you just finished showering, right?"

Seeing the water droplets still dripping on Alexa's hair, Dominic asked to start the conversation. Alexa nodded once then opened the door to her room wider so Dominic could enter.

"Come in. You must be tired of standing after working since morning," said Alexa. Dominic smiled slightly in response to the attention. Slowly but surely, Alexa started to pay attention to him again.

"It's okay, Baby. Um, wait a minute. I'll help you dry your hair."

Before Alexa could refuse, Dominic immediately walked to the dressing table to get a hairdryer from one of the drawers. Alexa didn't bother asking why Dominic knew where she kept it. The man must have noticed it every time he visited Alexa's room.

Since visiting Dominic office at that time, Dominic has become increasingly attached to Alexa. Every day after work, the first thing Dominic looks for is Alexa. Dominic will chat lightly with Alexa, eat together, and take her to bed late at night. They may still sleep in separate rooms. However, the closeness between the two of them could be seen clearly by Rika and several servants that Dominic hired after Alexa personally asked him.

Alexa is even free to go to town whenever she wants now. Rika was still following her like a shadow. But now Alexa knows that her husband only wants to look after her in his way.

Slowly but surely, their harmony has begun to return. Alexa doesn't even mind the 'Baby' call, which Dominic uses more and more often. In a world where everyone feels foreign to her, Dominic is the first person who is able to make her comfortable continuing her life even without any memories.

"How was work today?"

While enjoying the strokes of hairdyer, which slowly dried her hair, Alexa started to ask questions. She wasn't allowed to help Dominic in anything else. But at least, Alexa wants to make Dominic smile with the same simple questions every day.

As usual, the reflection of Dominic's face in Alexa's dressing mirror showed a small smile. Dominic combed Alexa's hair carefully. He turned off the hair dye when Alexa's hair was completely dry.

"I have a lot to deal with every day, and problems always come non-stop. But, do you know? All my stress disappears when I come back to this house. To our little house where you are in it, waiting for me to come back with your beautiful smile," answered Dominic gently. Alexa turned to look at the man. Well, Alexa could still see traces of tiredness in Dominic's firm eyes.

With one deep breath, Alexa dared to bring her face closer to Dominic. Her hands moved to hold Dominic's face as their lips finally met. Alexa has been thinking about this for a long time. Isn't it time for her to return to her duties as a wife? It must have been hard for Dominic to hold back his lust when his wife didn't want to be touched by him.

Dominic's eyes widened when he saw Alexa's soft face so close to his. The two of them closing the distance between them, especially when Alexa took the initiative to deepen their kiss.

As if realizing something, Dominic suddenly pushed Alexa's shoulder gently until their kiss finally broke. Dominic face was red with desire, while his eyes were locked on Alexa, who looked disappointed to see his rejection.

"Do you...dislike it?" Alexa whispered, a little disappointed. Various bad scenarios immediately came to mind when Dominic rejected her earlier. With lots of money and a handsome face, Alexa was afraid Dominic looking for another woman when she started refusing to be touched after losing her memory.

Ah, no. Maybe long before that. Alexa was afraid Dominic found another release since they had a fight that ended with Alexa being in a coma for several months.

Dominic is a healthy man. It should be natural for him to have an experience while Alexa was in a coma, right?


Seeing Alexa's sad face, Dominic gently cupped her beautiful face. The man took a deep breath, before stroking Alexa's cheek with his thumb.

"Are you sure you want me to do this, hm? I don't want to force you, Baby. But that doesn't mean I'm looking for other woman out there. Don't be sad, okay? I'm sorry for pushing you without saying anything beforehand," he said while feeling guilty. Alexa looked into Dominic's eyes after the man finished speaking. There are no lies. Dominic is really serious about not looking for another woman as long as he is not in a relationship with her.

Alexa smiled. Her hands cupped Dominic's handsome face again after her feelings improved.

"Why can I be this lucky, Dom? You are too perfect to be my husband. Even now, I still wonder why you are this good to me, who is no one."

"That's because you're too-"

"Do it, Dom," Alexa interrupted seriously. Her eyes stared straight into those dark-colored pupils. Now she was truly ready. After all, they must have done it in the past, right?

"I'll be fine," continued Alexa confidently. Her lips smiled before coming back closer to kiss Dominic's sexy lips.

Receiving an invitation like that, Dominic didn't want to reject it any further. After that, Dominic kissed Alexa back. A fierce kiss, which Alexa didn't expect from someone as gentle as Dominic.

Gently, Alexa put her arm around Dominic's neck. She forced the man to lie on top of her. The sound of kissing became clearer before being replaced by the sound of intermittent breathing.

That day, Alexa finally surrendered herself to Dominic.



Dominic turned his head when he was greeted by Rika, who happened to pass him when Dominic had just come out of Alexa's room. The girl seemed to have just returned from her night shift. Her field clothes were splattered with blood stains in several places.

"Ah, you're back. Good job, Rika," said Dominic generously. Rika raised her eyebrows in surprise. Did something good just happen to this boss who almost never praised her?

Rika's eyes fell on Dominic's messy clothes. Dominic is a perfectionist who hates even one wrinkle in his clothes. But now, his shirt buttons are attached irregularly. Early morning and just came out of Alexa's room.

Doesn't that mean...

Realizing her own thoughts, Rika clenched her fists, even though on the surface, she was smiling at Dominic.

"Congratulations Boss. You have her heart now," said Rika. Dominic nodded. His eyes flashed with happiness as he remembered how great tonight had been for him and Alexa.

"I can only hope we do it more often in the future. I want Alexa to get pregnant with my child so I can tie her down forever this time," said Dominic. The warm smile he always put on in front of Alexa slowly faded, replaced by a terrifying smile full of obsession.

"I have become the man she wants now. Sincere, gentle, and caring. I even gave her freedom that she couldn't get anywhere before. Rika, this way, she won't leave again, right? This way, she will slowly love me and realize how much I have loved her all this time."

"She will be mine forever, in a world without people who can bother us anymore."

Rika looked at her boss in silence. Initially, he thought Dominic was just a cruel man who only cared about money and power. He was always cruel to his enemies and only kind to someone he could take advantage of. Dominic was like a devil in the underworld. Cruel and merciless, caring for no one who crossed him.

However, after Rika worked for Dominic, she found out that Dominic was still human deep inside his heart. Dominic loves someone with his whole life. He had done a lot for one woman. One woman who had never loved him sincerely since the first time they met.

"I believe Alexa will realize how much you love her this time, Boss. Her actions this time prove that she has opened her heart to you," said Rika. Dominic nodded. His smile faded as he looked at Rika seriously.

"However, that doesn't mean we can let our guard down, Rika. Keep acting as I asked you. We will continue doing this until I'm sure that Alexa won't try to leave me again," warned Dominic.

Rika nodded. "I understand, Boss," she replied confidently. Once satisfied, Dominic finally walked past Rika. But Dominic suddenly stopped to turn around and look at Rika, who was still silently watching him.

"Make sure she doesn't miss the medicine, Rika. I entrust Alexa's recovery only to you," said Dominic before actually going to his room this time.