Forgiving (Part 2)

Like Rika, Dominic stopped right in front of his bedroom door and began to speak softly. He knew Alexa was listening to him from inside, even though his wife was still reluctant to reply to him.

"I've been thinking about everything all night, Baby. I was wrong. I know that. I held you back too much, and it even seemed like I didn't trust you in the slightest. But I did all that because I was afraid of losing you again. My love for you is too big for everything to make me scared. I even feel scared when you don't smile anymore, Baby. I'm crazy. You're right about that. I'm just scared of everything about you. Even now, I'm really scared that you'll disappear because you're starting to hate me," said Dominic as a starter. Dominic was still standing firmly outside the room, while his eyes stared straight at the bedroom door, which was still tightly closed.

"I'm sorry I was angry with you yesterday. That number, that number is your lover's number, Baby. I don't know how you got it again. But both Rika and I were just too panicked thinking about you going back to him again. You can call him if you want. I won't stop you if that will make you forgive me."

Dominic paused his sentence as his hand slowly rested on the door.

"Because I now realize I was overreacting about everything. You love me now only love me alone. I should have believed you would never cheat behind my back again. I now truly trust you, Baby. There will no longer be cameras or the medicine you don't want to take. Let's fix everything together, okay?"


Dominic was surprised when the door opened as soon as he finished his sentence. Now, Alexa's pale face was right in front of him, looking at him with a gloomy and doubtful expression.

"...I'm not crazy, Dom," Alexa whispered. Dominic nodded. He smiled gently at Alexa, even though he still didn't dare to just enter before Alexa invited him to do so.

"I'm sorry. Yesterday, I spoke to you emotionally. I just... I always wanted a married life where we were always fine. Do you remember when we went to the beach? Those times were the best times of my life. I'm really sorry, Alexa. Please forgive your stupid husband," said Dominic seriously. He could realize Alexa was trying to find the truth in every word he said. Dominic tried to stay calm until Alexa finally took a deep breath.

"I still haven't forgiven you about the hidden camera," she began. Dominic looked at her, hurriedly trying to explain to his wife.

"That... the only ones who have access to view the video are me and Rika, Baby. I have asked Rika to throw away all the cameras in your room and delete all the videos recorded by those cameras. For the video of us... having sex... I can swear that only Rika witnessed it. I can ask her to forget everything. She won't remember it anymore, Baby," said Dominic, while Alexa could only sneer in response.

"She was rude to me yesterday. I finally found out that she was only following your orders all this time. You asked her to watch my every move, right?" Alexa asked. Dominic now put on a guilty face again. That expression told Alexa that she was right. Dominic had indeed asked the girl to always watch over her. Not only because Alexa's legs are weak but to monitor her in other things too.

"...I won't do it again. I even scolded Rika for her rude behavior towards you. In the future, she won't behave as she pleases again. So, please let her take care of you, okay?"

"So she can just come into my room again?" slurred Alexa. Dominic shook his head. His heart secretly groaned when he realized that Alexa was really angry with him this time.

"No, Baby. No more people can come into your room without your permission anymore. No more cameras. No more medicines. I'll just listen to your wishes this time."

In Alexa's eyes, Dominic looked very pathetic when he was begging her at this time. Alexa is aware that Dominic always loves her too much. No husband wants to spoil a wife who has cheated on him and blames him. Alexa doesn't have anything. But Dominic, with open arms, still wants to look after and care for her with all his heart.

Moreover, now Alexa is tired from lack of food and keeps vomiting. She didn't want to think complicatedly anymore. As long as Dominic kept his promise, she could just forget about yesterday's problem.

Right now, she just needs Dominic to look after her and love her if she is really seriously ill and will die soon.

Alexa doesn't have anyone. Only Dominic recognized her, and several servants all sided with Dominic.

Alexa now knows that she also needs Dominic to stay alive. For her who doesn't have anything, Dominic is kind enough to give her good love and protection.

Even though it was a bit excessive.

Alexa took one more deep breath. She opened the door to Dominic room, a sign that Dominic could now go back into his room.

"I'm weak and keep vomiting. Can you call back the doctor who came before? He also needs to treat the wound on my hand," Alexa started.

"Your hand? Oh my gosh, Baby, how did your hand hurt like this?"

When Dominic was just relieved that Alexa was willing to forgive him, Dominic panicked again when he realized that there were quite deep scratches on his wife's palm. Alexa got it when she tried to support her body weight by holding on to the sharp edge of the table before. There was quite a lot of blood coming out, but she didn't think that such a small wound could endanger her life.

But what Alexa didn't expect was that Dominic would be so worried about such a small wound. Alexa felt a little guilty, even though five minutes ago, she was the one who was angry with Dominic.

"I almost fell earlier, and because of my reflexes, I tried to hold onto the edge of the table, which ended up hurting my hand. This is just a small wound. There's no need to be so sad just because of this wound, Dom," Alexa said comfortingly. Dominic replied with a helpless sigh. The man kissed Alexa's hand gently before turning to kiss Alexa's pale cheek.

"I will replace the table with a table with blunt edges. I will also immediately call a doctor. Lie down first, Baby. I will ask Rika to bring you porridge. Your stomach has been empty since yesterday. I'm afraid heavy food will only cause problems for your stomach."

Alexa just nodded when she heard Dominic's instructions. The woman then lay on the bed, watching Dominic, who was busy leaving the room again.

"Dom," called Alexa. Dominic stopped, his gaze returned to focus on Alexa, who looked at him.

"Don't disappoint me again, okay?" asked Alexa. Dominic smiled, nodding confidently in return.

"Of course, Baby. I love you," he said before actually coming out this time.