
"Mrs. Rutterford is fine, Sir. She just needs to get plenty of rest and eat soft food for the rest of the day. I will give her IV fluids to restore her strength. Please ask Nurse Rika to let her go when it's finished. I hope what happens today "It won't happen again, Sir. Because lack of fluids for too long can be very dangerous for the health of the baby in the womb."

"Wait, baby? Whose baby? Me?"

The doctor, who originally talked seriously with Dominic, turned around when Alexa suddenly spoke. The doctor glanced at Dominic, who immediately moved closer to Alexa to gently stroke her hair.

"Yes, Baby... You're two weeks pregnant. I wanted to tell you this news yesterday, but so many things happened that I just wanted to tell you today. But it turns out... you know it yourself now," said Dominic, trying to explain what happened to Alexa. Alexa still looks surprised. Her hand unconsciously gently rubbed her stomach, which still didn't look any different from before.

"You're saying... vomiting and always being hungry isn't due to illness? Oh my... I thought I was seriously ill, Dom!" Alexa said irritably. She felt stupid for thinking that far. However, Alexa remembered they agreed always to wear protection during intercourse until Alexa was ready. Alexa never thought she would get pregnant so soon.

"I can't possibly let you get sick without doing anything, Baby... You're thinking too far," said Dominic, looking amused. But soon, his face expressed sadness when Alexa still looked too shocked by her pregnancy. Dominic signaled for the doctor to go and discuss the continuation of what he was saying with Rika before he sat next to Alexa, who was lying on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Baby... The doctor suspected that my sperm was still leaking from the condom we were using at that time. Even though you asked me to always be careful. You don't hate this child, right?" Dominic asked sadly. Alexa looked at Dominic in confusion before realizing that perhaps her surprised expression had just been misinterpreted by her husband.

"I don't hate it, Dom... I'm just a little surprised, that's all. Besides, isn't it normal for a husband and wife to have children in their marriage? I just didn't expect I'd get one so soon. It must be because you're so strong."

Alexa said the last sentence little embarrassed and nervous. In her heart, she felt relieved because she chose to immediately make up with Dominic before something happened to her baby.

Seeing Alexa also happy with her pregnancy, Dominic couldn't be happier. His smile was honest. This news made him happy from the bottom of his heart.

Dominic hugged Alexa tightly when he could no longer contain his excitement.

"I've been waiting for this moment for years, Baby. Thank you for carrying our child. I really love you. I'm sorry I upset you yesterday."

Alexa smiled when Dominic again flooded her with love that made her feel safe. Alexa hugged Dominic back, a hug that made all her nausea and anxious feelings seem to just disappear.

"You can't piss me off again, Dom," threatened Alexa. Dominic laughed after he heard Alexa's words. The man then let go of their hug and turned to kiss Alexa's eyelids gently.

"Yes, I promise," said Dominic. The man took the initiative to get into bed when Alexa's head rested comfortably on his shoulder. Dominic corrected their position so that Alexa didn't have to feel hindered in her movements by the IV needle stuck in her arm.

Now Alexa is leaning comfortably against Dominic's body, who continues to stroke her soft, flowing hair gently.

"But Dom, is Rika really a nurse? I didn't expect a girl like her to have skills like that," Alexa asked curiously when she remembered one of the doctor's previous sentences. Dominic smiled, his hands turned to hug Alexa's body now.

"Even though Rika is strong and more suited to being a bodyguard like Jasper and Flora, she is still a nursing school graduate, Baby. She was the one who looked after you when you were in a coma and continued to control your health apart from special conditions that required a doctor," explained Dominic. Alexa mumbled incoherently in response before returning to silence to enjoy the small warmth between them.

"Yesterday, I kept feeling hungry and vomiting all day. This child must have protested because I stayed away from you. The proof is, the baby's fine now that you're here," Alexa grumbled softly. Dominic chuckled in reply. Meanwhile, his big hand moved again to go down and caress Alexa's still-flat stomach.

"Maybe he wants us to get along forever, Baby," whispered Dominic happily. Alexa's gaze lowered to look at her stomach before smiling as the image of a cute little white child who looked like her and Dominic suddenly crossed her mind.

"I hope he grows up well, Dom," Alexa prayed earnestly. Dominic nodded in agreement. His eyes looked gently at Alexa, who was still busy looking at her stomach.

"He will grow well with our love," said Dominic confidently.


"He doesn't seem to want us to fight. I really couldn't eat anything before this, Dom."

While taking each bite from Dominic, Alexa started to grumble. Dominic, on the other hand, continued to smile, a sign that he was in a really good mood today.

"The most important thing now is that you don't feel nauseous anymore. Tell me or Rika immediately if there is food that makes you nauseous, okay?" Dominic asked. Alexa nodded slightly after being silent. Indeed, what is important now is that Alexa no longer has to run to the bathroom to vomit whatever enters her mouth. While relaxing, Alexa's mouth opened again to get another mouthful of porridge from Dominic.

Actually, Alexa refused to be fed earlier. However, when her hand trembled as soon as she lifted the spoon, Dominic forced Alexa to let him feed Alexa. Because of that, Alexa had no other choice but to let her husband pamper her after that. 

Satisfied that Alexa had finished her bowl of porridge without any problems, Dominic guided Alexa to sit while leaning against his body. Dominic slowly played with Alexa's fingers, but his movements became more careful every time he touched Alexa's hand, which had an IV drip on the back of her hand.

"Baby, can you just sleep here from now on? You can wake me up if you need something in the middle of the night. Your pregnancy is our first. I want you to feel comfortable in this pregnancy," said Dominic. Alexa looked up while her eyes looked directly at Dominic's dark eyes.

"Okay. But please don't overdo it this time," asked Alexa. Dominic nodded. His sexy lips briefly kissed Alexa's lips before Dominic smiled again.

"Yes, my Queen," replied Dominic half-jokingly. Alexa smiled while shaking her head slowly, sometimes no longer understanding the childishness that her husband often showed.

"Baby, do you want to watch something?" Dominic offered when Alexa seemed to be getting bored of staying in the same position for a long time. Hearing that idea, Alexa nodded. Her body rolled slightly to get the TV remote, which was located in the drawer next to Dominic's bed.

"You want to watch a certain show?" Alexa asked. Dominic shook his head in reply. "I don't know what exciting programs are on television. I never watch them," he answered honestly. His words got a surprised reaction from Alexa. The woman turned slightly towards Dominic so she could see her husband in a better light.

"You have a television in your room, but you never use it? Have you been that busy all this time?" Alexa asked in surprise. Dominic mumbled a little, looking like he was trying to remember something.

"... I never use it because I think watching television is a waste of my time. There are lots of things I can do when I'm just quietly watching shows, Baby," explained Dominic.

Alexa raised her eyebrows. "Then you want to watch with me now?" she asked, clearly confused. Now, Dominic smiled. He hugged Alexa while his chin rested on Alexa's shoulder.

"Watching television with you is different, Baby. There are no activities that I think are a waste of my time if it's for you. I'm even willing to not work all day if I'm allowed to look at your face for that long," said Dominic exaggeratedly. Alexa lightly hit Dominic's thigh. "Chessy," she mocked softly as her attention turned to the television that had just been turned on. After choosing, Alexa was finally interested in films with a military theme. Her eyes focused on the thin rectangular screen before her eyes slowly became heavy in the middle of the scene.

"Are you sleepy?" asked Dominic, who was faithfully enjoying the film while hugging Alexa from behind. At first, Alexa shook her head. However, her heart began to waver when her vision on the television began to slowly blur and darken.

"You're sleepy, Baby. Go to sleep. I'll accompany you," said Dominic as his hands began to help Alexa lie down and turn off the television, which was still on. Alexa writhed softly in his arms. The woman tried to speak again when drowsiness began to overtake her.

"...You're...not working today?" she asked weakly.

Dominic chuckled. "I've been here all along, but you just asked me now? I'll be with you all day. Now, you go to sleep. I'll be right beside you," said Dominic. This time, Alexa didn't reject him. Alexa looked for a comfortable position in Dominic's arms before closing quietly her eyes.

Subtle breathing sounds were heard not long after. Dominic smiled, his gaze turned deep as he kissed Alexa's forehead for a long time.

"I love you, Alexa," he whispered seriously before closing his eyes. Dominic only slept a little yesterday, and closing his eyes after releasing stress made him sleepy.

Dominic can only hope that he can meet Alexa too in dreamland later.