Chapter 55: The party deserves to be forgotten

I quickly opened the car door and got out. On the other side of the car, Brian did the same thing.

Just now, many sections of the road were stuck in traffic, so he let the car slow down and then stopped, so I thought I was stuck in traffic because there were many cars in front of me. I didn't know we had arrived.

Brian gave the car keys to a man who drove into the parking lot and then approached me and stood beside me.

His white shirt sleeve gently touched my skin, making my heart flutter. I felt the warmth from there spread to me, dispelling the chill of the afternoon wind.

After getting the car keys back, he turned around and asked me to take his arm.

Looking around, I noticed a lot of couples who didn't hold hands. Why does this guy like to cause trouble for me?

“Can we hold hands like those two?” I frowned and asked softly.