Chapter 56: Belated apology

“Bella, are you okay? Where do you have pain?”

Harold swooped down next to me and asked, his face showing a worried expression. His hand touched my leg and then my hand.

I understood that he was groping all over my body because he was so worried about me that he panicked, not because he had bad intentions.

“Let me take you to the hospital to check.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up. However, when he was about to stoop to pick me up, Brian suddenly rushed over, pushed him aside, and picked me up.

At this moment, I felt that the space and time around me had stopped.

“I'll take her away.”

He only left a sentence for Harold and quickly strode into the parking lot.

One of the guards hurriedly ran behind us. When he arrived, he took the key from Brian's vest pocket and drove out of the parking lot.

I was in so much pain that I didn't struggle or protest, let Brian do whatever he wanted.