Tying Loose Threads

It was already morning when they finally reached Gram. The southern gate stood open, and Ken was there waiting with the other members of the guard. The man's eyes glistened with relief as soon as he saw them.

[You have arrived at Gram]

Silas cleared his throat. "I feel tired."

Danavar nodded. "Go, but don't forget to visit the District House right after you sleep. I have something to ask you, and perhaps I might be able to tell you something."

Silas nodded, bidding the guards farewell. He pulled up his hood and crossed the street, heading towards the alley. Now that his true identity was known to the guards, he felt uneasy in crowds. He wondered if staying in Gram was wise, knowing he could be easily captured.

He navigated through the quieter streets until he reached Ben's House. The old man was outside, sweeping dry leaves from the ground. He looked up and smiled.

"Good to see you, boy," Ben said.

Silas returned the smile. "Is the room I rented last time available?"

Ben nodded. "Yes, I rarely get customers anyway."

After paying for his accommodation, Silas climbed the stairs and collapsed onto the soft bed, letting sleep take him. But his rest was troubled, filled with dreams of the forest and the shadows that lurked within it.


He woke up with a throbbing headache. Groaning, Silas sat up and grabbed the glass of water on the bedside table, draining it in one gulp. He tried to go back to sleep, but it eluded him. Eventually, he resigned himself to being awake and put on his boots.

The late afternoon light filtered through the window. He guessed Ben wasn't finished preparing dinner yet and didn't want to be a bother. Instead, he decided to check his Inventory.


[Enhancement Interface is now available. You can now enhance your weapon, armors, and accessories using Smithcore]

He closed the notification and continued exploring his Inventory. Silas remembered he had a new weapon, the [Spider Queen Stave].


Spider Queen Stave [Common]

Attack: 30

Curse Hit Rate: 1.00% 

Additional Stats:

Energy +15

[Spider Set Effect 2/2] 

Attacks has a 60% chance to inflict [Poison I] on target.


His [Old Staff] was also a common weapon, but the [Spider Queen Stave] offered better additional stats and a set effect. Knowing his attacks could inflict poison gave him reassurance.

He closed the boxes before him and proceeded to fix himself. The sun outside was setting on the horizon, he better eat something before he paid Danavar a visit. He wondered what the man would tell him. 

He headed downstairs to the inn's dining room, where the lively singing of patrons filled the air. Ben noticed him and gestured to a table at the back. The song playing in the Melodywave was clearly a favorite. 

Soon, the innkeeper arrived with his tray and put down a platter of what he called, Twisted Sausage. Three spiral-cut sausages were served in a bed of gravy and mash potatoes and bits of square-cut meats. He also put down a cupcake, with layers of cream decorated with green glowing sprinklers.

Silas felt suspicious at the glowing bits of candies on his desert, but seeing how everyone was eating the cake in two bites, he judged it as safe.

The Twisted Sausage was wonderful, the small bits of meat were cooked so well that it felt like it was melting on his mouth. He never tasted something like this before. The taste of homecooked meal were truly different.

The cupcake, despite of its odd look exceeded all of his expectations. The cream complimented well with the cake. He sighed with satisfaction as he finished his meal.

'When was the last time I eat like that? I'm so used on eating take outs and preheated pizzas…'

Refreshed, Silas headed outside. The walk to the District House was windy. As he passed through the streets, he overheard conversations.

"Captain Danavar and the Lightservants teamed up to defeat those spiders in the forest," an old man said.

"Then are we safe now?"

The other man nodded, relief evident on his face.

Silas tightened his cloak and quickly turned a corner upon spotting Roland and Jack's child. 'What was his name again?' He joined the crowd to conceal himself, eventually reaching the House District. The guard recognized him and let him pass.

"Captain is in his study," the guard said. "Do you want me to call him?"

Silas shook his head. Though he had a good relationship with Danavra, he might find it insulting if his own guard called him to meet a wizard. The inside of the House District was as dark and dull as ever. He knocked on the wooden door and entered when given permission.

Danavar was at his study table, surrounded by piles of paper and a flickering gas lamp.

"You seem busy," Silas said.

"Good evening," Danavar replied, setting down his pen. "Have you rested?"

"I slept and had a delicious dinner, even got dessert."

"Sounds like you found a good place."

Silas nodded. "You wanted to ask me something?"

"I'll be direct. What are your plans from here?"

Silas looked sharply at him.

"That's not it. I'm just asking out of concern," He said, the flickering fire from his gas lamp, cast a shadow on his face.

"My plan was to run," he said.

"Okay. I heard that Maglem sent a group of wizards to improve their diplomatic relationship with Renim... You could seek asylum with them. They might take you back to their country. There's nothing for you here but an endless chase."

"I know," he said. Going to Maglem was his original plan, but this information was something that he didn't expect to come upon as soon as he finished the quest. Perhaps this system was not as useless as he thought it is. "Thank you."

Danavar shook his head, "no, thank you. This town would have been a rubble if you didn't help me… I only wish I could properly introduce you to everyone, but we both know that's a bad idea."

Silas smiled, and Danavar extended his hand. Silas took it gratefully.

[Quest 'Tying Loose Ends' is successfully completed!]

[You have been rewarded: +200 Destiny XP, [Large Health Potion]x5, [Large Energy Potion]x5, [Common Weapon Smithcore]x1, [Common Armor Smithcore]x1, [Special Skill Ticket: ???] & +5000 Shields ]

[Congratulation! You successfully completed Main Scenario I]

[You're one step closer to the Truth of this world.]

[You have reached a new rank! You're promoted to Novice Wizard V]

"I prepared a carriage for you to Tirash, it's a city. You could hire one of the steamed-carriages from there to reach the capital… Light winds and calm seas, may the road bring you to where you need to be."

Hearing Danavar's words, Silas shivered. It was an expression used by NPCs in the game after the player reached the end of a quest. It really was now the time to bid farewell to Gram. He let go of the captain's hand and took a stepped back.

Danavar brought him outside and watched him as he crossed the street, Silas turned back once again and saw the Peacekeepers waving at his direction.

When morning came, he still couldn't believe that he had just finished a whole arc. He entertained fleeting thoughts of staying at Ben's House for the rest of his life. Surely, he could live in this place in peace. On morning he would hunt in the forest, perhaps even work on a workshop and when night came, he could go to Ben's dining room to eat his dinner. 

He shook his head. Those were just delusion, the Lightbringers would surely find something was amiss when they failed to find him in the next city or town. They would realize soon that he hid in Gram. A day would surely come where they would be knocking on his door and wake him from his fake life he had created for himself.

He stood and wore his boots. Ben was in the counter when he got down, he paid the man handsomely and bid him goodbye. This time Ben didn't ask if he would comeback.

He walked to the plaza where the carriage awaited. As it left through the western gate, Silas looked back at Gram, watching as the town dwindled behind him.