Second Main Scenario Quest

The familiar sound of an opening [Questbook] jolted him awake. He rubbed his eyes and saw the blue box hovering just above his chest. He tired shook it away but it was stubborn. The [Interface] following his line of sight no matter where he looked.

Annoyed, Silas pushed himself to sit up. Now that he was awake, he couldn't shake the dizziness caused by the jolting carriage. He nudged one of the windows open, the [Questbook] still trailing him.

"What have we got here?" he muttered, squinting at the next [Quest].

[Main Scenario Quest II: Believers of Hands and Scorn]

[Description: Similar incidents to Gram are happening in Tirash City. People go missing at night, only to be found dead in the day.]

[Quest is automatically accepted.]

[New quest available!]

[Quest I: Those Who Walk Among Books]

[Description: Visit the Great Archives, the second-largest library on the continent, and find clues about the truth behind Arachne's existence.]

[Clues found 0/3]

[Rewards: +350 Destiny XP, [Blacksmith Anvil]x1, [Small Empty Bottle]x10, and +6000 Shields]

The rewards piqued his interest. Silas remembered he had just unlocked the [Enhancement Interface] function, but it had been futile to check it earlier since he lacked the necessary equipment: the [Blacksmith Anvil]. Completing this quest would finally allow him to enhance his gear. 

The [Small Empty Bottles] were another intriguing reward. These are essential material for [Potion Making]. These bottles could be used for mixing various concoctions; from [Normal Potions] to [Elixirs] and even [Specialized Potions], which Silas was particularly fond of. These rewards made him eager to proceed.

The last part of the first Main Scenario Quest had granted him numerous rewards. The Destiny XP he received had promoted him to [Novice Wizard V]. He checked his [Skillbook] for his new skill.

[Water Blessing I]

[Energy Consumption: 30 Energy]

[Cooldown: 70 seconds]

[Description: Calls upon the blessing of a water spirit. Increases your movement speed by 20% for the next 60 seconds.]

Silas nodded. It was his first [Buff] skill. [Water Blessing] live up to its name, because it allows users to move swiftly as if they were part of water. This skill, along with other [Buff] skills, was especially valued by players who repeatedly ran [Dungeons].

He opened his [Inventory] and confirmed the two items he had received yesterday

[Special Skill Ticket: ???]

Upon touching the item, a holographic box popped up.

[Do you want to use [Special Skill Ticket: ???]

[Yes] or [No]

He selected yes. A spinning wheel appeared before him with words written on each divided section. Before Silas could read them, the wheel started moving and then exploded. He closed his eyes in shock.

Blinking, he slowly reopened them to see a much brighter holographic box.


[Special Skill: Limitless Wizard (Non-upgradable)]

[Energy Consumption: Sacrifices half of the wizard's Energy]

[Cooldown: 120 seconds.]

[Description: After casting skill, half of the wizard's energy will be sacrificed to remove cooldowns for all skills for the next 40 seconds.]

Silas stared wide-eyed at the box. He was utterly confused, for the term "Special Skill" was something he hadn't encountered during his years playing Heroes of Destiny.

'Surely the top 1% of players must have discovered this, but why wouldn't they brag about it?' he wondered. The skill itself was worth bragging about. Silas couldn't imagine how powerful he could become if all his skills had no cooldown, even if only for a limited time.

'But what if this Special Skill is only made available upon my transmigration to this world.' The thought of being the first player to receive such a powerful skill made him giddy. Silas even thought the System wasn't as bad as he initially thought.

However, he couldn't deny that [Limitless Wizard] had its downside. Sacrificing half his total [Energy] was insane, making the game more challenging. But this means that the game was forcing him to be crafty and strategic in using this skill. His solution was to stock up on potions, especially since he had so many Shields collecting dust in his [Inventory].

[Shields: 25500]

Silas then checked the next item in his [Inventory]. There was something he needed to confirm; the final quest had given him a necklace he had almost forgotten about.


The Cursed Lady's Necklace (Rare)

Description: An item owned by Arachne; it is said to be given by his father on the day of her competition with the Goddess Athena.

Current Condition: Unwearable

Type: ???

Stats: ???


"Hmm," he thought for a moment. He wondered if this item would ever be wearable. It looked promising, and it was an item he hadn't seen before. Not that he was one of the many item collectors in the game, but he used to follow someone who featured rare items. This one was unfamiliar. Knowing he couldn't rely too much on what he knew made him uneasy. He had no choice but to stay alert.

The remaining hours in the carriage were silent and almost tedious. He gazed out the window, observing the endless fields of grass, wheat, and rice. As they approached Tirash, he saw more people on the road. Some were friendly enough to wave at him. He waved back but quickly pulled the curtain shut, realizing he must avoid recognition.

The coachman announced that Tirash was in sight. Silas opened his window, seeing a thick wall encircling the city. Lines of wagons patiently waited for passage through the gate. Close to the gate, Silas spotted a towering [Pillar Stone], cleaner than the previous ones he had seen.

They finally passed through the city gates after waiting for nearly an hour in heavy traffic. Tirash was a big city, and he remembered visiting it once for a different quest. The noise and damp air welcomed him. It felt different from Gram; people here wore more elaborate and colorful clothes. Ladies favored red and blue dresses that cut below their knees, while children and men wore vests and coats with embossed designs.

The carriage dropped him in front of a House District, likely arranged by Danavar. He thanked the coachman and glanced around the street. He kept receiving looks from the locals. The realization of the reason behind those looks made him flushed. Silas realized he needed new clothes to blend in.

"It wouldn't hurt my pocket if I buy two sets of clothes," he said as he started looking for a clothing store. He opted asking but doing so would made him stood out more from the crowd, so he just followed where the crowd went until it brought him to the city's commercial district.

[Welcome to Tirash Commercial Corner]

The district bustled in the distinct sound of a nearby clock. Stores are neatly lined in the street with a spacious sidewalk given to anyone who wished to looked around. Evening was approaching, and someone was already lighting the lamppost that lined the streets every few meters. Its yellowish glow casted a gleam on the storefronts. 

He passed a pub, where a lady outside offered him a free drink. Silas knew better than to accept. The same gimmick greeted him at the next two pubs. A bakery tried to lure him with cakes displayed in the glass storefront, reminding him of Ben's dessert. He wondered if the bakery sold similar treats.

Across the street, he heard a commotion. A bookstore's metal brass sign indicated the source. A young boy with roughly done red hair pushed the door loudly, carrying three leather-bound books. An old man followed him from behind, pleading.

"You need to realize, Finn, those books already have a buyer," the old man said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Arlo, I'm just borrowing them. When did you say they'll be picked up?"

"A week from now," the old man replied, rubbing his forehead, resignation on his face. Silas concluded it wasn't the first that this small skit had happen to them.

"I'll return them in three days!" Finn shouted, running through the crowd. The old man could only shout his name before giving up.

Silas felt for the old man. He continued walking until he finally reached a clothing store. Dubus Clothing Store was its name. A young man with emerald eyes and rough brown hair welcomed him. He wore a brown vest over his white linen shirt, Silas suddenly had an idea to buy the same set that he wore.

He pretended to look around, until the man approached him. He seemed not to have a prejudice against his bumpkin look. He even willingly offered to help him in picking his clothes. He offered him a navy-blue vest, that he could wear over a black long sleeve. He decided to buy it. And for the next one, he had to build his confidence to asked for the same set that the man have.

He cleared his throat. "Are you selling that set?" He pointed at his clothes.

"This one," the man smiled. "I think I have one in your size."

The store owner returned with the same set of clothes: a light brown vest, white long sleeve and dark brown trousers.

"I seriously think you need a new pair of boots, but the one's you have should do, you just need to polish it."

He looked at his boots, he had bought it back in Gram, and had been with him for quite a long time. Silas just nodded at the man and said that he would consider it. He paid 6000 [Shields] for the two clothes. 

As he left the store, the commercial district's lights dazzled him. The nearby clock showed it was past 8 p.m. Knowing the library closed at 10, he decided to start the quest tomorrow and find accommodations for the night. He needed a proper sleep!

At the reached the plaza, he saw a crowd of people surrounded by Peacekeepers. 

"That is a protest," the man that suddenly appeared beside him said. He wore a long black coat. His skin was pale and looked sickly. There was for a moment he thought it was Bartholomew but the dark circles under his eyes told him it wasn't the man he feared. He threw down the nearly finished cigarette in the ground and stomped it under his boots.

"You seemed to be curious," he said. "And you seemed to be someone…" He checked on Silas from his face and to dirty boots. "You're new here?" the man concluded.

"Yes," Silas replied firmly."No need to be angry, you just stand out. And I just to want to warn you about them," he pointed at the protesters. 

"What are they protesting?"

"They think the Peacekeeper are not doing anything for them. What can we do when we can't even pinpoint the suspect," he said sighing. "And it's wrong that they blam-"

"Mr Thaddeus!" A high-pitched voice called.

The man exhaled, "here she goes, but I last longer out of her sight than yesterday."

He smiled at Silas and turned to where the woman was, she was wearing a brown long coat with a black top hat.

"I've been looking for you, sir. Where have you been, you know you cannot just leave like that," she said, catching her breath.

"Meet my subordinate, who had been with me for months, Emma Cogsworthy. Emma this is…" Thaddeus leaned at Silas. "What's your name?"

"Eris." Silas replied casually.

Emma stared at him, "its Cagsworn. Who will be cursed enough to name their family, Cogsworthy?. Please forgive me, Eris. But I have to get Mr. Thaddeus back to his office."

And with that, Emma dragged Thaddeus away. The man tried to protest about how they should check the newly established restaurant on the other side of the city. But to all of his complains, he didn't try to resist her from dragging her back.

Silas wondered what had just happened. He spared one last glance to the crowd in the plaza. Silas had a sudden thought that everything that would be related to his next quest were now being place at their proper position. He felt a sense of excitement and at the same time dread as he wondered how this story would unfold. 

Somewhere in the street, he heard the sound of rotating gears.