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  Song Sanshun rushed to his stepmother and asked in a trembling voice: "Mom, is Chang'an at home?"

  Mrs. Zhao rolled her eyes: "Look at what you said, isn't she living with your uncle? How can she be in my house?"

  Song Sanshun glanced at the yard, made up his mind, and rushed in directly, searching in several rooms.

  "What are you doing?" Mrs. Zhao was fed up and hurriedly chased after him to stop him.

  But at this moment, Song Sanshun was like an angry lion, waving his stepmother away and searching room by room.

  In this house, he had never been to the main room, and this time he saw it, and realized how poor his family was.

  There were several sacks of grain and several baskets of grains in the uninhabited side room, and strips of bacon were hung on the beams, which should be smoked from the pig killed last winter.

  The pig was raised by his wife who cut grass early and late, and he and his wife only ate it once on New Year's Eve, and never saw it before and after.

  Song Sanshun looked around but didn't see Chang'an, so he went to another room.

  The younger sister's room was full of brand new furniture, including chests, dressers, and everything in between.

  The same was true for the older brother's room, which only made their home look even more desolate.

  Sanshun looked around but couldn't find it, so he didn't hesitate and ran out of the courtyard and toward the village.

  Mrs. Zhao and Song Baqi were jumping up and down and cursing behind him, but he ignored them.

  When he was about to run onto the official road, he ran into Song Laoliu and his men.

  "Did you find it?" Song Sanshun asked.

  Song Laoliu shook his head tiredly: "We ran for several miles and didn't find it. Seeing that it was getting dark, we had to come back to get a torch and go to the other side to look for it."

  Song Sanshun: "Which way did you go? I'll go to the other side to look for it."

  "That way." Song Laoliu pointed: "Chang'an is looking for her father. They should go to the county town."

  Song Sanshun glanced in that direction, pondered for a moment, and shook his head: "Chang'an is only three years old, and Goudan is only seven years old. How can they know where the county town is?"

  He looked at the sky and said anxiously: "I'll go to the other side. They have only been to Tieniu Town. I suspect they went there."

  After that, Song Sanshun ran quickly towards Tieniu Town. When

  Song Laoliu heard him say this, he suddenly realized it.

  He was an adult, so he naturally knew that the conscription team had to go to the county town to report first, but Chang'an and Goudan were just little kids who didn't know anything. How could they know so much?

  "I'm going too!" Song Laoliu shouted, and he didn't go back to find a torch, but chased Song Sanshun directly.

  How can the two children spend the night in the wild when they are so young? What if they encounter wild wolves?

  Song Laoliu didn't dare to think too much, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and quickly caught up with Song Sanshun.

  The other few people also chased after him, and a group of people and Song Sanshun walked quickly towards Tieniu Town.

  The sky gradually darkened, and it was almost pitch dark.

  After several people stumbled to another fork in the road, Song Sanshun suddenly had an idea and suddenly remembered that his father-in-law's house was nearby.

  "Sixth brother, why don't we go to my father-in-law's house first." What if my father-in-law saw Chang'an on the road and took her home?

  Song Sanshun said this, but he knew it was impossible.

  But it was the end of February, there was no moon in the sky, and the road under his feet could not be seen at all.

  Even if Chang'an and Goudan slept on the side of the road, they might not see them.

  Therefore, they had to go to his father-in-law's house to make a few torches before setting off. So

  , several people walked towards Kaoshan Village.

  Before entering the village, they heard several dogs barking at them frantically.

  Several people picked up dirt and threw it at the dogs, and the dogs barked even more fiercely.

  When they arrived outside the Wu family's yard, they saw that the house was dark.     Song Sanshun pushed open the firewood courtyard door, walked straight into the courtyard and knocked on the door: "Dad! Dad! I'm Sanshun."

  After a while, the lights were on in the house.

  Old Man Wu opened the door in his coat and saw his son-in-law and several people. He understood a little: "Are you looking for Chang'an?"

  Song Sanshun nodded repeatedly and asked excitedly: "Dad, have you seen Chang'an?"

  Old Man Wu sighed and opened the door: "Come in quickly, Chang'an is sleeping."

  "Is my Goudan here?" Song Laoliu's voice trembled with excitement.

  Old Man Wu: "There is a boy with Chang'an. I wonder if it is your Goudan."

  "Where is he? I'll go and see." Song Laoliu was very nervous, fearing that it was not Goudan.

  Old Man Wu walked into the house with an oil lamp and saw that his wife had gotten up, but the two children on the kang were still sleeping.

  Song Sanshun and Song Laoliu rushed to the kang at the same time. When they saw the two children clearly, they cried with joy.

  "You rascal." Song Laoliu picked up his son and slapped him on the butt, waking Goudan up immediately.

  Goudan opened his eyes in confusion and saw his father's face under the dim light. He murmured, "Dad, why are you hitting people?"

  Song Laoliu sobbed, hugged his son into his arms, and wrapped him in his coat, "I hit you, you rascal! Tell me! Why did you run so far?"

  Goudan was very sleepy and didn't want to answer the question.

  Song Sanshun also picked up Chang'an. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he didn't call her. He asked his father-in-law, "Why did Chang'an come to you?"

  Old Man Wu told him about the previous situation, sighed, and asked, "Do you want to take them back now?"

  "Yes." His wife was anxious at home, so he naturally wanted to take Chang'an back.

  "Don't leave in a hurry." Mother-in-law Sun opened the box and searched, "It's cold at night, don't let them get cold, I'll find two clothes for you to wrap."

  But she searched and searched but couldn't find a piece of clothes that could keep warm.

  Song Sanshun also noticed it and whispered, "It's okay. I'll wrap her in a coat so she won't get cold."

  He put Chang'an back in the quilt and untied his cotton-padded jacket.

  Chang'an woke up and was a little surprised to see a room full of people.

  She rolled over, looked at this and that, and finally stretched out her little hand to her uncle.

  Song Sanshun wrapped his niece in his cotton-padded jacket and said goodbye to his father-in-law and mother-in-law: "I'll bring Xiuying back to see you in a few days."

  Old Man Wu nodded, hesitant to speak.

  In fact, he wanted to borrow some money from his son-in-law to buy medicine for Chonglou, but then he thought that his son-in-law's situation was not good, and he was living under his stepmother, so he probably didn't have any money.

  "Wait a minute, I'll make two torches for you to take with you." Old Man Wu came out of the house with an oil lamp, went behind the stove and found two wooden sticks, some grass tendons and thatch. He

  dripped the only lamp oil in the oil lamp on the thatch, and then wrapped the thatch and grass tendons around one end of the wooden stick and tied a knot.

  The simple torches were ready and the oil lamps were about to go out.

  "Take them." Old Man Wu handed two torches to his son-in-law: "Be careful on the road."

  Song Sanshun took the torches and handed them to his companions. Just as he walked out of the house with Chang'an in his arms, he saw Chang'an trying to pull a small hand out of his uncle's arms and pointing to the west room: "Uncle, uncle!"

  Old Man Wu touched her head and said lovingly: "Uncle is asleep, there is no need to say goodbye to him."

  Chang'an shook his head and struggled to get out: "Zhuzhu, uncle, uncle."

  (End of this chapter)