Final glow

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  Seeing that his niece was very stubborn, Song Sanshun had no choice but to carry her into his brother-in-law's room.

  At this moment, Wu Chonglou's mind was a little drowsy, and he was indifferent to the arrival of his brother-in-law.

  Chang'an seemed to see that his uncle was shrouded in a heavy gray fog, making his face appear gray.

  She leaned over on the kang, muttering: "Uncle, uncle, Chang, Chang'an save you."

  Song Sanshun had no choice but to send his niece to the kang, and saw her crawling towards Wu Chonglou.

  When she came to his head, Chang'an put her palm on her uncle's forehead and muttered: "Little, little Zhuzhu, let, let uncle get better."

  A ray of light emanated from the palm of her hand and gradually sank into Wu Chonglou's forehead.

  These lights were not visible to outsiders, so in the eyes of Song Sanshun and his parents-in-law, Chang'an was praying for Chonglou.

  Several people sighed in their hearts, and Sun wiped away tears.

  Only she and her husband know best about their son's illness. According to the current situation, it is unknown whether he can survive until April.

  "Good child, you are thoughtful." Sun said while holding back her sobs.

  Chang'an glanced at her mother-in-law, then looked down at the little seedling in the palm of her hand.

  There were three leaves in total, but this time two of them were gone. Chang'an pouted and wanted to cry.

  When will the little seedling grow out again? She still has to go find her father.

  At this moment, Wu Chonglou was more clear-headed. He saw the little baby squatting on the kang and subconsciously covered his mouth and nose with the corner of the quilt.

  Seeing his brother-in-law next to him, he suddenly understood something and felt sad.

  Wu Chonglou coughed and said softly, "Take Chang'an over." If he dies, he dies, but he must not pass the disease to little Chang'an.

  Song Sanshun picked up Chang'an and asked, "Does Chonglou have a fever again? Do you want to ask a doctor to take a look?"

  His mother-in-law, Sun, nodded slightly, touched her son's forehead and said, "We plan to take Chonglou to Tieniu Town tomorrow to have a look." Even if they had to sell everything they had, they would give their son another chance of survival.

  Song Sanshun felt sad when he heard this, but he couldn't find a penny after searching his whole body, and he couldn't help feeling ashamed.

  If he had known earlier, he would have brought a hundred coins with him.

  "It's getting late, you should go back quickly." Old Man Wu patted Song Sanshun's shoulders.

  There was no place for his son-in-law to stay at home, otherwise he would have let him stay for a night.

  "Okay." Song Sanshun wrapped Chang'an in his coat and said goodbye to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, "Then I'll leave and come back tomorrow to see him."

  His brother-in-law looked very bad, and he would definitely bring some money to have a look tomorrow.

  "Be careful on the road. It's cold at night, so wrap up Chang'an's head as well." Sun reminded him.

  "Got it."

  Song Sanshun and several people from the same village walked out of Wu's house and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

  Sun and her husband stood outside the yard and looked out for a long time before turning back.

  Suddenly, they heard their son's weak voice: "Mom, I'm hungry."

  Sun heard it and hurried to the back of the stove to get a few branches and put them in a yellow basin to light.

  Relying on the light of the brazier, the old couple came to their son's kang and asked with sadness: "Chonglou, what do you want to eat? Dad and mom will make it right away."

  Wu Chonglou seemed to be in a much better mood and said softly: "I want to eat some salty porridge."

  He was hungry, but his mouth had no taste, so he wanted to eat some salty vegetable porridge.

  Seeing this, Sun tried not to cry and said in a thick nasal voice, "Okay, mom will make it right away."

  The couple walked to the stove and both burst into tears.     Is this the last breath of his son?

  Oh-oh-oh! A rooster crowed from somewhere, and then the sound of roosters continued, one after another.

  Song Sanshun and his friends hurried all the way and soon returned to the village.

  Several villagers who helped went home to rest, and Song Sanshun also opened the gate with Chang'an.

  Mrs. Wu was dozing off on the kang. When she heard the voices of her husband and Song Laoliu, she immediately got up and opened the door: "Are you back? Did you find Chang'an?"

  "Found him." Song Laoliu came into the house with a chill and let Chang'an out of his arms. Mrs. Wu was filled with mixed feelings, and quickly took Chang'an and put him in bed.   At this time, Huahua meowed, jumped onto the kang in a few seconds, and lay down

  next to Chang'an.   It followed its little master all the way home and was very tired at the moment.   Song Sanshun added a few handfuls of grass to the kang hole and whispered, "I will go to Kaoshan Village again when it gets light. Your brother has a fever again. I want to send some money over."   He had known about the plight of his father-in-law's family for a long time. This time his brother-in-law got sick again, and he probably had no money left.   Wu suddenly became nervous: "Fever again? Is it serious?"   Song Sanshun: "It doesn't look good."   The brother-in-law's face was full of gray and defeated air, which is commonly known as death. It looks like he will not have much time left.   When Wu heard this, tears immediately fell, "I will go with you."   Song Sanshun shook his head: "You can't help if you go, so   you'd better wait for news at home." Seeing that his wife seemed to want to say something else, he said, "My father-in-law is going to send Chonglou to Tieniu Town for treatment. If too many people go, it will only cause trouble. You should stay at home to take care of Changan."   Wu covered her face and sobbed, but she didn't mention going back.   The next day, Changan woke up and it was already noon. His aunt was sitting at a small table peeling jasmine.   Without disturbing her aunt, she quietly got off the kang and sneaked outside to relieve herself.   When she came back, she saw her aunt looking at her with a cold face.   Changan hugged her aunt's calf, tilted his neck and laughed, "Aunt, Changan, be good."   Wu deliberately frowned and poked her forehead lightly, "Don't try to fool me. Tell me, why did you run so far with Goudan?"   "Changan, Changan doesn't want daddy to die." Changan pursed her lips and said, "Xiao Zhuzhu will save, save daddy."   She wanted to say that she had a terrible dream and her daddy must be in danger, but she couldn't organize her words and couldn't tell her aunt many things.   Wu was touched by Changan's words. Thinking of her critically ill brother who was also facing death, she couldn't help but tears up again.   She hugged Changan into her arms and said in a hoarse voice: "Your father is very far away. Even your third uncle can't find him. How can you find him? Don't do this again next time. If you are kidnapped by kidnappers, you will never see your father again. Do you hear me?"   Changan blinked, not quite understanding.   Wu patted her butt and said, "There are many bad people outside. They like to catch children and eat them as rabbits. Are you afraid? If your father and mother can't find you when they come back, won't they be heartbroken?" Changan   understood this time, pouted, and tears welled up in her eyes.   She hugged her aunt's neck tightly and sobbed, "Chang, Changan was wrong, wrong, I will never go so far again."   "It's good that you know you are wrong." Wu gently stroked her niece's back, "Changan, if you have any problems in the future, tell your uncle and aunt, and your uncle and aunt will take Changan to find your parents."   Changan wiped his eyes with his little hands and asked seriously, "Really?"   (End of this chapter)