

Steven awoke to the sound of crackling firewood and the scent of roasting meat. He blinked against the early morning light filtering through the trees and slowly sat up. His body ached from the previous night's ordeal, but he was alive. Glancing around, he saw a makeshift campsite. Martin was seated across the fire, his eyes closed in meditation. A small, plucked bird was roasting on a spit over the fire, filling the air with a mouthwatering aroma.

"You're awake," Martin said, his eyes still closed.

Steven nodded the events of the previous night flooding back. "What happened? The bandits..."

"Dealt with," Martin replied, opening his eyes. "You were fortunate I was nearby."

Steven shifted, feeling the stiffness in his limbs. "You saved me. Thank you."

Martin nodded, turning the spit. "Eat. You need your strength."

Steven didn't need further encouragement. He moved closer to the fire and tore a piece of meat from the bird, savouring the warm, savoury flavour. As he ate, he couldn't help but study Martin. There was an air of timelessness about him, a depth that suggested he was more than he appeared.

After they had eaten in silence for a few moments, Martin finally spoke. "You have many questions, Steven. I will answer them as best I can."

Steven put down the bone he had been gnawing on and looked at Martin intently. "Who are you really, Martin? And what are these nightmares I keep having about the Ville Lords?"

Martin sighed, his gaze growing distant. "I have lived for a very long time, Steven. For nearly a hundred centuries, to be exact. I have seen the rise and fall of empires, the birth of legends, and the end of ages."

Steven's eyes widened. "A hundred centuries? How is that possible?"

"It is because of the power I wield," Martin said quietly. "A power called Dest. It is a gift, or perhaps a curse, that is only transferable. It cannot be learned like Dale."

Steven's curiosity was piqued. "What is Dest?"

"Dest is a power system that grants its wielder immense abilities," Martin explained. "It is unique in that it cannot be learned; it can only be passed on from one bearer to another. I could never access Dale because my destiny was to wield Dest."

Steven frowned. "Dale is the initial power everyone can use. Why can't we use it?"

"Because Dest is a power that is bound by fate," Martin said. "Those who wield Dest cannot access Dale. It is as if the two powers are mutually exclusive."

Steven's mind raced as he tried to process this information. "And the Ville Lords? What are they?"

"The Ville Lords are ancient beings of immense power and malice," Martin replied. "They are demon lords who seek to bring chaos and destruction. Thousands of years ago, I fought and killed six of them. But I failed to fully destroy the Superior Ville Lord. It is because of this failure that I am still alive, bound by my duty to finish what I started."

Steven felt a chill run down his spine. "The nightmares... they're warnings, aren't they?"

Martin nodded. "Yes. The time is drawing near when the Ville Lords will rise again. We have about ten more years until the Villes are set free."

Steven took a deep breath, the weight of Martin's words settling heavily on his shoulders. "What do I have to do with all of this?"

"You are the Chained Sufferer," Martin said simply. "The one who will inherit Dest. The power must be passed on, and you are the one chosen to receive it. But before you can inherit Dest, you must learn from me. There is much you need to understand and many skills you must acquire."

Steven's mind swirled with questions and doubts. "But I failed the Knight Academy's entrance test. How can I possibly be the one to inherit such a power?"

Martin's eyes bore into his. "Strength is not solely measured by physical prowess or academic achievement. It is measured by the heart and the will to act. Your journey is only beginning, Steven. Failure is but a step along the path."

Steven took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "So, what do I need to do?"

"Learn from me," Martin said. "I will teach you what you need to know. When the time is right, you will inherit Dest and fulfill your destiny."

Steven felt a sense of resolve hardening within him. He had been cast out by his family and left to wander, but now he had a purpose. The road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to see it through.

Martin rose to his feet, his movements fluid and graceful despite his age. "Come, Steven. There is much to do, and time is not on our side."

Steven stood as well, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. "I'm ready."

Martin smiled a rare and genuine expression. "Good. Let us begin."

As the days turned into weeks, Martin began to train Steven rigorously. They travelled together, moving from village to village, forest to forest, always staying one step ahead of any potential threats. Martin's teachings were not just about combat but also about understanding the deeper aspects of the world, the nature of power, and the responsibilities that came with it.

Steven learned to harness his inner strength, to push beyond his limits, and to tap into the potential that lay dormant within him. Martin's lessons were often cryptic and challenging, forcing Steven to think deeply and find his path.

One evening, as they sat by the fire, Martin shared more of his past. "The Ville Lords are not just enemies; they are embodiments of chaos and destruction. They seek to unmake the world, to return it to a state of primal darkness. But there is hope. The power of Dest can counteract their influence, but it must be wielded by one who is both strong and wise."

Steven listened intently, absorbing every word. "And what happens if we fail?"

Martin's expression grew sombre. "If we fail, the world will be plunged into an age of darkness and despair. The Ville Lords will reign supreme, and all that we know and love will be lost."

Steven felt a surge of determination. "Then we won't fail. I'll do whatever it takes to stop them."

Martin nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and sadness. "You have the heart of a warrior, Steven. But remember, true strength lies not in the blade, but in the spirit."

As the night wore on, Steven found himself reflecting on his journey. He had come a long way from the rejected son of a duke, cast out and wandering. Now, he was on the path to becoming something greater, something more. The nightmares that had once plagued him now served as a reminder of the stakes and the importance of his mission.

With Martin's guidance, Steven knew he could face whatever challenges lay ahead. The road would be difficult, and the burden heavy, but he was no longer alone. Together, they would confront the rising darkness and strive to bring light to a world teetering on the brink of chaos.

And so, under the stars and the watchful gaze of the ancient sage, Steven's journey continued. The fire crackled softly, its warm glow a beacon of hope in the encroaching night.