
Foundations of Dest

The sun cast long shadows through the dense forest as Martin and Steven sat in a small clearing. It was a tranquil spot, the sounds of nature creating a serene backdrop for the day's lessons. Martin had chosen this place specifically for its isolation and calm, perfect for the training Steven needed to undergo.

"Today, we begin laying the foundations for you to inherit Dest," Martin said, his voice calm but authoritative. "Before you can wield its true power, you must understand and master the basic abilities that form its core. These are not merely physical skills but mental enhancements that will shape your very being."

Steven nodded, sitting cross-legged opposite Martin. His body still ached from the rigorous physical training, but he knew that today's lesson would be different, focusing on the mind rather than the body.

Martin began with a deep breath, closing his eyes. "The first and foremost ability you must develop is mental enhancement. The mind is the most powerful tool you possess. To harness Dest, you must sharpen your mental faculties, enhance your focus, and control your thoughts."

Steven mirrored Martin's posture, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. As he tried to calm his mind, he was assaulted by chaotic visions: a desert of blood and corpses, twisted faces of those he had seen in his nightmares, and a constant feeling of dread. He shuddered, opening his eyes in frustration.

Martin's gaze softened. "Your mind is a battlefield, Steven. The chaos within reflects the turmoil you face. But with time and practice, you can purify it."

"How?" Steven's voice trembled with the weight of his struggles.

"Through meditation and mental exercises," Martin replied. "You must first acknowledge the chaos before you can transform it."

Steven nodded, closing his eyes again, determined to face his inner demons. Martin's voice was a calming guide. "Focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply, hold, and exhale slowly. Let your thoughts drift away, and center your mind on the present moment."

As Steven breathed, he began to visualize a calm, still lake as Martin had instructed. The surface was initially marred by ripples, echoes of his inner turmoil. But with each breath, the ripples began to smooth out, and the lake grew still.

"Good," Martin's voice was soothing. "Now, visualize a different scene. Imagine a desert, vast and barren. The sand is stained with blood, and corpses litter the ground. This desert is your mind, chaotic and unclean. Your task is to transform it."

Steven's mind conjured the grim desert, the imagery stark and disturbing. He took another deep breath, imagining the blood soaking into the sand, the corpses dissolving into dust. Slowly, the desert began to change, the blood and corpses replaced by clear, flowing water and blooming life.

"This is the state of mental calmness you must strive to maintain," Martin continued. "It will help you think clearly, make sound decisions, and remain composed in the face of adversity."

Steven opened his eyes, feeling more centered and focused than he had in a long time. "I feel... different. Calmer."

"That is the first step," Martin said with a nod. "Now, we move on to the second ability: mind manipulation. This does not mean controlling others' thoughts but rather manipulating your own mind to enhance your capabilities."

Steven listened intently, eager to learn. "How do I start?"

"Through visualization and mental conditioning," Martin explained. "Imagine yourself in a situation where you need to perform at your best. Visualize every detail, every action. See yourself succeeding. This will train your mind to react instinctively in real situations."

Steven closed his eyes again, picturing himself in a duel. He saw his opponent's moves, anticipated their attacks, and countered with precision. The more he visualized, the more confident and prepared he felt.

"Your mind can also affect your physical abilities," Martin added. "By visualizing strength and speed, you can push your body beyond its normal limits. But remember, this requires practice and discipline."

Steven opened his eyes, feeling a new sense of empowerment. "I think I understand."

Martin smiled, a rare expression of approval. "You are doing well. Now, let us combine these skills. Mental enhancement and mind manipulation together will allow you to achieve a state of heightened awareness and control."

For the next few hours, Martin guided Steven through various exercises designed to enhance his mental clarity and control. They practiced meditation, visualization, and even some simple mental challenges to test his focus and resilience.

"Remember," Martin said as they took a break, "the mind is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes. These exercises are just the beginning. You must practice them daily to truly master them."

Steven nodded, feeling both mentally and physically exhausted but also invigorated by the progress he had made. "I will, Martin. Thank you."

"One last thing for today," Martin said, his tone more serious. "Dest is not just about power. It is about responsibility. The mental foundation you build now will determine how you use this power. Always remember the weight of that responsibility."

Steven met Martin's gaze, understanding the gravity of his words. "I understand."

"Good," Martin said, standing up and stretching. "Tomorrow, we will continue with more advanced techniques. For now, rest and reflect on what you have learned."

As the days turned into weeks, Steven dedicated himself to his training with unwavering focus. Each morning, he and Martin would meditate together, the serene surroundings of the forest serving as the perfect backdrop for their mental exercises. Over time, Steven's chaotic visions began to fade, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity.

Months passed, and Steven's progress was evident. His mind was no longer a desert of blood and corpses but a tranquil landscape of blooming life and clear water. He could maintain his focus for longer periods, visualize complex scenarios with ease, and push his physical limits through sheer mental strength.

Three years later, Steven was a different person. His once wild and turbulent mind was now a bastion of calm and thoughtfulness. He approached every challenge with a measured intellect, his decisions informed by the mental discipline he had cultivated under Martin's guidance.

One evening, as they sat by the fire, Martin spoke, his tone filled with pride. "You have come a long way, Steven. Your mind is now a powerful tool, capable of great things."

Steven nodded, his eyes reflecting the inner calm he had achieved. "Thank you, Martin. I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

Martin smiled. "The foundation has been laid. You are ready for the next stage of your training. But remember, the path of Dest is not just about power. It is about using that power wisely and responsibly."

Steven felt a surge of determination. "I understand. I'm ready."

Martin nodded, his gaze filled with a mix of pride and hope. "Good. Let us continue."

As the fire crackled softly, Steven felt a profound sense of purpose. The road ahead was still long and fraught with challenges, but he was no longer the frightened, rejected son of a duke. He was a warrior in training, guided by an ancient sage, and destined to face the rising darkness of the Ville Lords.

With Martin by his side and the foundations of Dest firmly in place, Steven was ready to face whatever came next. The journey was far from over, but he was prepared to walk the path, no matter where it led.