
The Power of Bloodbind

Two years had passed since Steven began his rigorous physical training under Martin's watchful eye. The training had been gruelling, pushing Steven's body to its limits and beyond. Each day was a test of endurance, strength, and perseverance. But through it all, Steven remained determined, driven by the knowledge that his training was preparing him for something far greater.

One cool evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Martin and Steven stood in a secluded part of the forest. The air was thick with anticipation, and a sense of quiet expectancy hung in the air. The trees around them were tall and ancient, their leaves whispering secrets of the past. The ground was covered with a soft blanket of fallen leaves, and the scent of pine and earth filled the air.

"Today, I will show you a glimpse of what Dest truly is," Martin said, his voice steady and calm. His eyes, usually so calm and serene, now held a spark of something more—a glimmer of the immense power he had kept hidden for so long. "You have worked hard, and now you are ready to witness the power that you will one day inherit."

Steven watched intently as Martin extended his hand. The old man's eyes glinted with a strange light, and the air around them seemed to grow heavier. Slowly, Martin clenched his fist, and Steven saw a thin line of red begin to seep from his palm.

"This is my Dest Art, Bloodbind," Martin said, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. The blood that dripped from his hand did not fall to the ground but instead began to coalesce, swirling in the air before solidifying into the shape of a sword.

The blade was dark crimson, its surface smooth yet exuding an aura of raw power. It was both beautiful and terrifying, a weapon forged from the essence of life itself. The sword seemed to hum with energy, a low, resonant sound that echoed through the clearing.

"This is Kushia, my sword," Martin continued, holding the blood-formed blade aloft. "It is made from the blood of Kyriu, an extremely strong creature I killed many centuries ago. The blood of Kyriu flows through this blade, imbuing it with immense strength and power."

Steven stared at the sword, mesmerized. He could feel the energy emanating from it, a pulsating force that seemed almost alive. "It's incredible," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the sword's hum.

Martin nodded, his expression serious. "When you inherit Bloodbind from me, you will gain the ability to store the blood of those you kill within your core. This blood can be used in whichever way you choose—to create weapons, armour, or even other tools. The stronger the blood, the stronger you become."

With a fluid motion, Martin swung Kushia through the air. The blade moved effortlessly, cutting through the thick forest air with a sharp hiss. Leaves rustled and a few even split in two from the mere proximity of the blade's edge. "The power of Bloodbind is not just in the weapons you create but in the essence of the blood you use. Each drop contains the strength and essence of its origin."

Steven felt a shiver run down his spine. The implications of such power were immense. "How do I control it?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities and questions.

"Control comes from mastery of your mind and body," Martin replied. "You have spent years training your mind and body, and now you must learn to channel that training into your use of Bloodbind. The blood you store must be purified through your will and intent. Only then can it be shaped and wielded as you desire."

Martin released his grip on Kushia, and the sword dissipated into a fine mist of blood before evaporating into the air. The forest seemed to sigh in relief as the oppressive energy lifted. "Bloodbind is a responsibility as much as it is a power. The blood you carry is a part of you, and how you use it reflects who you are."

Steven took a deep breath, absorbing Martin's words. The gravity of his future responsibilities weighed heavily on him, but he felt a spark of determination ignite within. "I understand," he said, his voice resolute.

Martin placed a hand on Steven's shoulder, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and solemnity. "You have grown much, Steven. Your journey is far from over, but you are on the right path. Continue to train, continue to learn, and one day you will be ready to wield Bloodbind in its full glory."

The transfer of Bloodbind began with Martin sitting cross-legged in the center of a large, runic circle that he had drawn on the forest floor using a mixture of herbs and his blood. The circle pulsed with an eerie red glow, casting long shadows over the ground.

"Sit across from me, Steven," Martin instructed. "This process is delicate and requires complete focus. You must open your mind and heart to the power of Dest."

Steven sat down, facing Martin, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, clearing his mind of distractions. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the usual sounds of wildlife and rustling leaves falling silent.

Martin began to chant in a low, melodic tone, his voice resonating with the rhythm of the runes. Steven felt a warmth spread through his body, starting at his core and radiating outward. The warmth grew more intense, but it was not painful. Instead, it felt like a gentle embrace, a welcoming presence.

"Focus on the blood within you," Martin's voice echoed in Steven's mind. "Feel its flow, its pulse. It is the essence of life, the core of your being."

Steven concentrated, feeling the blood coursing through his veins, each heartbeat a powerful thud in his ears. The warmth intensified, and he felt a strange, tingling sensation spread through his limbs.

"Now, open your core to me," Martin's voice was calm and reassuring. "Allow my blood to merge with yours. Together, we will create a bond that will grant you the power of Bloodbind."

Steven felt a surge of energy as Martin's blood began to flow into him, a powerful, almost overwhelming force. He gritted his teeth, focusing on maintaining his composure. The energy swirled within him, merging with his blood, creating a connection that was both physical and spiritual.

The process seemed to go on forever, but in reality, it was only a few minutes. When it was over, Steven felt a profound change within himself. The warmth receded, leaving behind a sense of power and potential that he had never felt before.

Martin opened his eyes and smiled. "It is done. You now possess the power of Bloodbind. Use it wisely, and always remember the responsibility that comes with it."

Steven nodded, feeling the weight of the new power within him. He could sense the blood, not just as a physical substance but as a source of energy and strength. He clenched his fist, and a thin line of blood seeped from his palm, just as it had with Martin.

"Now, let us begin your training," Martin said, standing up. "You have the power, but you must learn to control it, to harness it effectively. This is only the beginning."

For the next few hours, Martin demonstrated various techniques and applications of Bloodbind. He showed Steven how to draw blood from his own body, manipulating it into different shapes and forms. Steven watched in awe as Martin created not only swords but also spears, shields, and even a suit of armour—all formed from his blood.

"Each form has its strengths and weaknesses," Martin explained. "A sword is swift and precise, a spear offers reach, and armour provides protection. The key is to understand the situation and choose the appropriate form."

Steven practiced alongside Martin, his initial attempts clumsy and imprecise. The blood seemed to resist his control, forming misshapen and unstable constructs. However, with Martin's guidance and patient instruction, Steven began to improve. His focus sharpened, and his control grew steadier.

By the time the moon had risen high in the sky, casting its silvery light over the forest, Steven had managed to form a small, albeit rough, blood dagger. It was a modest accomplishment, but it filled him with a sense of pride and achievement.

"Remember," Martin said as they took a break, "the blood you carry is a reflection of your essence. Purify your mind, and the blood will follow. Stay true to your path, and you will find strength beyond measure."

Steven nodded, feeling both mentally and physically exhausted but also invigorated by the progress he had made. "I will, Martin. Thank you."

"One last thing for tonight," Martin said, his tone more serious. "Dest is not just about power. It is about responsibility. The mental foundation you build now will determine how you use this power. Always remember the weight of that responsibility."

Steven met Martin's gaze, understanding the gravity of his words. "I understand."

"Good," Martin said, standing up and stretching. "Tomorrow, we will continue with more advanced techniques. For now, rest and reflect on what you have learned."

As Steven lay down that night, the forest around him quiet and peaceful, he felt a sense of purpose he hadn't felt in a long time. The path ahead was still uncertain, but with Martin's guidance and the foundations of Dest being laid, he felt more prepared to face whatever challenges lay in his future.

The journey was just beginning, but Steven knew that with each step, he was becoming stronger, wiser, and more capable. The Ville Lords were a looming threat, but he was determined to be ready when the time came to face them.