
The Journey Begins

Steven's grip tightened around the crystal, his thoughts filled with memories of the past year. With a determined breath, he shattered the crystal, feeling a strange pull as he was drawn back to Earth. The vibrant colours of Relicess faded, replaced by the familiar sights and sounds of his world. He stood in the small clearing near Martin's camp, the forest around him alive with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

Steven took a moment to acclimate to his surroundings. The air felt different, lighter, and fresher than the oppressive atmosphere of Relicess. Despite the tranquillity, a sense of urgency gnawed at him. He had spent a year in the inter-realm, but only a month had passed.

He made his way back to the campsite, where he found Martin lying weakly by the fire. The old man's face was pale, and his breathing shallow. Steven rushed to his side, kneeling beside him.

"Master," Steven whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Martin's eyes fluttered open, a faint smile crossing his lips. "You... did it," he murmured, his voice barely audible. "I knew... you would."

Steven nodded, holding Martin's hand. "I did, Master. But now you must rest."

Martin shook his head weakly. "No time... for rest. You... must go... to Fertia."

"Fertia?" Steven asked, confusion etching his features. "Where is that, Master?"

But Martin's eyes had already closed, his body falling still. Steven felt a pang of grief as he realized his mentor had passed. He stayed there momentarily, holding Martin's hand, before gently laying it across his chest. 

With a heavy heart, Steven dug a grave near the campsite. He buried Martin with the respect and care his master deserved, marking the spot with a simple stone. 

After a moment of silent reflection, Steven drew on the blood of Hector, forging a new katana. The blade glowed with a fiery aura, the essence of Hector's power coursing through it. He named it Crimson, honouring the demon lord's strength. He also crafted a robe from Kyriu's blood, the fabric imbued with gravitational properties that allowed him to move with extraordinary agility and strength. He stored the remaining blood within his core, feeling its power resonate within him.

Steven set off on his journey to find Fertia. He traversed winding paths and crossed rolling hills until he reached a small town called Ricket. The town was quiet, with narrow streets and modest homes. Steven approached an older man sitting on a bench, hoping to gather some information.

"Excuse me," Steven began, "Do you know anything about a place called Fertia?"

The man looked up, scratching his head thoughtfully. "Fertia, you say? Can't say I know much about it. But it must be near Falcon's Roost, the fortified city to the north. All the small villages around here start with the first letter of the nearest main city."

Steven nodded gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you. That's very helpful."

He continued on his way, following the path that led toward Falcon's Roost. The road took him through a dense forest, the trees towering overhead and casting long shadows. As he moved deeper into the forest, he noticed claw marks on a tree, deep and jagged. A sense of unease crept over him, but he pressed on, alert to any danger.

The sound of a struggle reached his ears, and he quickened his pace. He burst through the underbrush to find a man being attacked by demonic creatures, their twisted forms identical to Martin's descriptions. Without hesitation, Steven whispered, "Crimson," and a line of blood from his palm formed the katana. 

With swift, invisible movements, he struck down the creatures. They let out guttural screams as the fire from his blade consumed them, leaving nothing but ash in their wake. Steven extended a hand to the man, helping him to his feet.

"Are you alright?" Steven asked, concern in his voice.

The man nodded, his face pale. "Yes, thank you. My name is Rou. I was travelling back from my farm when these creatures attacked. I used my dale to hold them off and ran until I couldn't anymore. But my dale isn't strong—I'm just a farmer."

Steven placed a reassuring hand on Rou's shoulder. "Go back to your home and tell everyone to stay indoors. I'll take care of the rest."

Rou nodded gratefully. "Thank you, stranger. Be careful. There are more of them out there."

Steven watched as Rou hurried back toward the town. Turning back to the forest, he steeled himself for the battle ahead. He could feel the demonic presence growing stronger, the air thick with malevolence. Drawing on the power of Dest, he whispered a prayer for strength and courage. As he advanced, the forest was eerily silent, the trees closing in around him. Shadows flickered at the edge of his vision, and he knew he was being watched. A rustle in the bushes to his left drew his attention, and he turned just in time to see a pair of glowing eyes staring back at him.

Steven gripped Crimson tightly, ready for whatever came next. The creatures emerged from the darkness, their forms grotesque and twisted. He counted at least six of them, their claws glinting in the dim light. 

Steven lunged forward, his katana slicing through the air. The first creature fell, its body turning to ash before it hit the ground. The others attacked in a frenzy, their claws and fangs flashing. Steven moved with precision and speed, his blade a blur as he struck them down one by one.

Despite his skill, the creatures were relentless. They surrounded him, cutting off any escape. Steven felt a claw rake across his back, the pain sharp and immediate. He gritted his teeth, refusing to let the pain slow him down. He focused on the power within him, drawing on the blood of Hector and Kyriu. The fire and gravitational forces combined, giving him the strength and agility he needed.

He leaped into the air, spinning gracefully as he brought Crimson down on the last creature. The force of the blow was immense, and the creature disintegrated in a burst of flames. Breathing heavily, Steven surveyed the battlefield. Ashes covered the ground, the remnants of his enemies.

He sheathed his katana, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. The forest was quiet once more, and the danger passed. He knew his journey was far from over, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. With renewed determination, Steven set his sights on Falcon's Roost, the next step on his quest to find Fertia.