
Encounter with the Possessed Ville

The journey to Falcon's Roost was arduous, but Steven pressed on with unwavering determination. He walked for ten days, traversing forests and crossing rivers. Each step was a testament to his resolve, his mind focused on the mission Martin had entrusted to him. The path grew increasingly perilous, with ominous signs of demonic activity becoming more frequent.

One day, as the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape, Steven felt an unsettling presence. The air grew cold, and a palpable sense of dread enveloped him. He tightened his grip on Crimson, ready for whatever lay ahead. Suddenly, from all directions, the Villes emerged, their grotesque forms surrounding him.

Steven's heart pounded in his chest as he assessed the situation. There were at least a dozen of them, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Without hesitation, he activated the powers of his robe, the blood of Kyriu allowing him to defy gravity. He soared into the sky, evading their initial assault. From above, he unleashed a series of fiery slashes with Crimson, the katana's blade glowing with a fierce intensity.

The Villes screeched in agony as the fire consumed them, their bodies turning to ash. One by one, they fell, unable to withstand the combined power of Steven's skills and his blood-infused weapon. He moved with deadly precision, his movements a blur as he dispatched his foes.

However, as he prepared to strike down the last Ville, it suddenly paused, ceasing its attack. Steven hovered in the air, cautious but curious. The creature's eyes locked onto his, and to his surprise, it began to speak.

"I am so fortunate!" the Ville said, its voice dripping with malice.

Steven frowned, lowering Crimson slightly. "You can talk?"

"Don't compare me to these lowly servants," the Ville sneered. "I am Lord Shade. I am lucky that you are in my area, ancient one."

Steven's eyes narrowed. "Ancient one? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I don't recognize you," Shade continued, his tone mocking. "So, the ancient one changed into another vassal. I remember the last guy was... what was his name... yeah, Martin. That slug we spared became our destroyer. Well, we still lived!"

Steven's grip on Crimson tightened at the mention of his master's name. "You knew my master?"

Shade let out a chilling laugh. "Hahaha, that bastard killed me. How can I forget him? Soon we will meet again. If I kill you, I'll be at least second rank. Hahaha!"

Without warning, the Ville lunged at Steven with incredible speed. Steven barely had time to react, raising Crimson to block the attack. The force of the impact sent him flying backward, but he quickly regained his balance in mid-air. Shade's power was overwhelming, his movements swift and unpredictable.

The battle intensified, the sky lighting up with the clash of their powers. The possessed Ville attacked relentlessly, his strikes fueled by a burning desire for vengeance. Steven countered with precision, using the fire from Crimson to keep his enemy at bay. But Shade was cunning, exploiting every weakness, every hesitation.

"You are strong," Shade taunted, his voice echoing through the air. "But not strong enough!"

With a roar, Steven summoned the full power of Kyriu's blood. He flew higher into the sky, gathering energy before diving down with a powerful slash. Shade barely managed to dodge, the flames grazing his side. Enraged, the Ville Lord unleashed a torrent of dark energy, enveloping Steven in a suffocating cloud of malevolence.

Steven struggled to breathe, the darkness closing in around him. He focused his mind, drawing on the mental discipline Martin had taught him. With a surge of willpower, he broke free from the darkness, the fire in his eyes burning brighter than ever. He charged at Shade, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks.

"Martin was right about you," Shade sneered. "You are resilient. But you cannot defeat me!"

Steven gritted his teeth, his resolve unshaken. "We'll see about that."

He summoned the blood of Oriyu, forming a cage around Shade. The Ville Lord's eyes widened in surprise as the blood solidified, trapping him within its confines. Steven manipulated the blood with precision, tightening the cage until Shade could barely move.

"You think this will stop me?" Shade roared, his voice filled with rage. "I will kill you!"

With a final, decisive blow, Steven thrust Crimson through the cage and into Shade's heart. The Ville Lord let out a guttural scream, his body convulsing as the fire consumed him from within. As the last of his strength faded, Shade's form crumbled to ash, his voice echoing in the air.

"I'll kill youuuu..."

Steven stood in the aftermath of the battle, breathing heavily. The forest around him was silent once more, the threat vanquished. He took a moment to compose himself, the weight of his master's mission heavy on his shoulders.

He looked at the remnants of Shade, his mind racing with questions. What had Shade meant by "ancient one"? And why was Martin spared in the past? The answers eluded him, but one thing was clear: the journey ahead would be fraught with danger.

He continued on his journey, his thoughts filled with the cryptic words of his master. He had to find Fertia, but first, he needed to reach Falcon's Roost. The path was long, and the challenges ahead were unknown. But Steven was ready. With Crimson at his side and the power of Dest within him, he would face whatever came his way.

As he walked through the forest, he kept his senses sharp, aware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. He was no longer the same person who had set out on this journey. He had faced unimaginable horrors and emerged stronger. The future was uncertain, but Steven knew one thing for sure: he would honour his master's legacy and fulfill his destiny.

  1. This Ville is simply possessed by Shade, this is not Shade himself
  2. The Source Of Dest