
The Falcon's Roost

Steven finally reached the fortified city of Falcon's Roost as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets. The city was bustling with life despite the late hour, with merchants closing up their stalls and townsfolk heading to inns and taverns to wind down for the evening. Steven's weary eyes scanned the area until he spotted a modest inn named The Gilded Feather.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door, he stepped inside. The inn was warm and inviting, the flickering light from the hearth casting a soft glow over the room. He approached the innkeeper, a stout man with a kind face.

"Good evening," Steven greeted, his voice tired. "I'd like a room for the night."

"Of course," the innkeeper replied, eyeing Steven's travel-worn appearance. "Five silver coins. Comes with breakfast in the morning."

Steven handed over the coins and received a key in return. "Thank you," he said, glancing around. "Is there a place to get a meal?"

The innkeeper pointed to a corner of the room where a few tables were set up. "Our kitchen's still open. Take a seat, and someone will be with you shortly."

Steven nodded and made his way to an empty table. As he waited, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation from the other patrons.

"Did you hear about the attacks in the villages to the east?" one man was saying. "More Villes, they say. It's getting worse."

"Aye," another replied. "I heard the knights are on high alert. Wouldn't be surprised if they strike here next."

Steven frowned, the mention of Villes stirring a sense of unease within him. Just as a serving girl approached to take his order, the door burst open, and a man rushed in, his face pale with fear.

"Villes!" he shouted, panic evident in his voice. "The city is under attack!"

Chaos erupted in the inn as people scrambled to their feet, some rushing outside to see what was happening, others barricading themselves inside. Steven's heart raced as he bolted out the door, Crimson at the ready.

Outside, the scene was one of pandemonium. The fortified walls of Falcon's Roost were under siege by a horde of Villes. Knights and guards fought valiantly, their dales lighting up the night as they defended the city. Steven noticed one knight in particular, Commander Zeth, standing out among the rest. His power to manipulate the density of the air was formidable, and he was using it to great effect, creating shards of dense air to impale the attacking Villes.

A strong Ville, its voice booming, stepped forward. "You damn lower life forms, you think you can stand against my great lord Shade? I, Rethic, commander of Lord Shade, will destroy you all!"

Rethic's voice was unnaturally powerful, and with each word, he unleashed a sonic wave that shattered the city's defences. The knights struggled to maintain their ground, and despite their efforts, it was clear they were being overwhelmed.

Steven's instincts screamed at him to intervene, but as he prepared to leap into the fray, a knight stopped him.

"Please, stay back, civilian," the knight urged. "Have faith in Commander Zeth."

Steven hesitated, watching as Zeth fought valiantly. The commander was a force to be reckoned with, his density manipulation creating barriers and launching lethal attacks at the Villes. But Rethic was different—his sonic attacks were devastating, and the knights were struggling to cope.

"You are strong," Steven thought, "but you need help."

Rethic launched a powerful attack at Zeth, and Steven couldn't stand by any longer. He soared into the sky, using the gravitational properties of his robe to fly, and intercepted the attack, saving Zeth at the last moment.

"You are finally here, ancient one," Rethic hissed, his eyes gleaming with recognition. "I will enjoy killing you."

The battle between Steven and Rethic was fierce. Rethic's sonic attacks were relentless, and Steven struggled to find an opening. He used the blood of Oriyu to form a cage, but Rethic's power shattered it with ease. Each time Steven tried to close the distance, Rethic's sonic waves pushed him back.

"You are resilient," Rethic taunted, "but you cannot defeat me."

Steven gritted his teeth, his determination unshaken. He needed a new strategy. Drawing on the power of Hector's blood, he began to manipulate the fire within him. With a surge of energy, he launched a series of fiery slashes at Rethic, forcing the Ville to go on the defensive.

The flames licked at Rethic's form, but the Ville commander was tenacious. He countered with a powerful sonic blast, sending Steven crashing to the ground. Pain shot through Steven's body, but he forced himself to stand, refusing to give in.

"This ends now," Steven vowed, his voice steely with resolve.

Summoning the blood of Oriyu once more, he created a powerful cage around Rethic. This time, he reinforced it with the fire of Hector's blood, the flames wrapping around the cage like a vice. Rethic struggled, but the combined powers were too much.

"No! I will kill you!" Rethic roared, his voice growing weaker.

Steven stepped forward, Crimson glowing with fiery intensity. With a final, decisive strike, he thrust the katana through the cage and into Rethic's heart. The Ville commander's body convulsed as the fire consumed him from within, and with one last scream, he crumbled to ash.

The remaining Villes, seeing their leader defeated, fled in terror. The city of Falcon's Roost was saved, and the knights began to cheer. But their celebration was cut short as a sinister voice echoed through the night.

"Next time, I will be there myself to kill you," the voice of Lord Shade promised.

The knights turned to Steven, their faces filled with gratitude and awe. Commander Zeth approached him, bowing his head in respect.

"Thank you," Zeth said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You saved us all. Are you a knight?"

Steven shook his head. "No, but humanity is at great risk. We must be prepared."

Zeth nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We owe you a great debt. Is there anything we can do for you?"

"I need to find Fertia" Steven replied.

Seth looked thoughtful. "Fertia is at the outskirts of Falcon's Roost, toward the north. Be careful on your journey. The threat of the Villes is growing."

As Steven prepared to leave, the knights and townsfolk gathered around, their gratitude palpable. News of the Ville attack and the mysterious warrior who had saved them spread quickly. He became known as the Blood Lord, the saviour of Falcon's Roost.

With Crimson at his side and the power of Dest within him, Steven set out on the next leg of his journey. The road to Fertia awaited, and with it, the next chapter in his quest to honour his master's legacy and fulfill his destiny.