
The Journey to Fort Swan

With the defeat of Shade, Falcon's Roost basked in a rare moment of peace. The townspeople walked with a renewed sense of security, their gratitude palpable as they moved through the streets. Every corner Steven turned, he was met with smiles, nods of respect, and heartfelt thanks. Sid, always at his side, received equal admiration, his bravery in the final battle having endeared him to the people.

The sun cast a warm glow over the town, a stark contrast to the chaos that had reigned mere days before. Steven, now fully embracing his title as the Blood Lord, felt a weight of responsibility settle over him, tempered by the resolve to protect those who looked up to him.

General Elena approached Steven and Sid one afternoon as they walked through the bustling marketplace. Her presence commanded attention, her armour glinting in the sunlight. "Blood Lord," she began, her tone both respectful and urgent, "we have received word from the east. The city of Arken is under attack by Villes, and their final line of defence, Fort Swan, is at risk of falling."

Steven's eyes narrowed with determination. "How dire is the situation?"

"Grave," Elena admitted. "The fort has held out for weeks, but the Villes are relentless. If it falls, the city will be overrun, and countless lives will be lost."

Sid tugged at Steven's sleeve, his young face set with determination. "We have to help them, big brother."

Steven nodded, his decision made. "We'll head to Arken immediately. Fort Swan must be saved."

The journey east was long and arduous, but Steven and Sid moved with purpose, driven by the urgency of their mission. They travelled through dense forests, across vast plains, and over treacherous mountains, encountering various challenges along the way. Each step brought them closer to the besieged fort, the weight of their task pressing heavily upon them.

On the final night of their journey, they camped beneath the stars, the flickering firelight casting shadows that danced on the ground. Steven gazed into the flames, his thoughts filled with the battles yet to come. Sid sat beside him, his eyes reflecting the firelight.

"Big brother," Sid said quietly, "do you think we'll make it in time?"

"We have to," Steven replied, his voice firm. "The people of Arken are depending on us."

As dawn broke, they set out with renewed vigour, their destination finally within reach. The closer they got to Fort Swan, the more palpable the tension in the air became. The sound of distant battle cries and clashing steel reached their ears, spurring them onward.

When they arrived at the fort, the sight that greeted them was grim. The fort's walls were battered, and the defenders were weary but resolute. Steven and Sid wasted no time, joining the fray with a fierce determination.