
Arrival At Arken

The road to Arken was long and arduous, but Steven and Sid moved with purpose. The landscape changed from dense forests to rolling plains, the distant silhouette of Fort Swan becoming clearer with each step. As they approached the city, the air grew thick with tension.

Steven's sharp eyes caught sight of the city gates, reinforced with heavy timber and guarded by armoured knights. Sid, small and determined, walked beside him, his eyes wide with anticipation.

The knights at the gate, clad in gleaming armour, eyed them warily as they approached. One of them, a tall man with a stern face, stepped forward.

"Halt! State your business," he commanded, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

Steven stepped forward, his presence commanding respect. "I am the Blood Lord," he said, his voice carrying authority. "This is my brother, Sid. We've come to assist in the defense of Arken."

The knight's eyes widened in recognition. "The Blood Lord? The hero of the north?" He quickly bowed, signalling the others to do the same. "Forgive us, my lord. We did not recognize you. Please, come with us."

They were led through the bustling streets of Arken, where people whispered and pointed, their eyes filled with hope and admiration. Steven's reputation had preceded him, and the weight of their expectations pressed heavily on his shoulders.

They reached the central fort, a massive structure of stone and wood, where General Roland awaited them. He stood tall and imposing, his presence radiating authority. His long, dark hair was tied back, and his piercing green eyes seemed to see through everything.

"General Roland," Steven greeted him with a nod.

"The Blood Lord," Roland replied, extending a hand. "It's an honour to have you here. We've heard much about your deeds."

Steven shook his hand firmly. "This is Sid," he introduced, placing a hand on Sid's shoulder.

Roland's gaze softened as he looked at Sid. "A young warrior in the making, I see. Welcome, Sid."

Sid beamed with pride, his chest puffing out slightly.

Roland led them to a large table covered with maps and documents. "We've been under constant attack, but not by Villes," he began, his voice serious. "A human has been terrorizing our lands. His dale is unlike anything we've seen before. He calls it Void."

Steven's eyes narrowed. "Void? Another Dest user," he muttered under his breath, a sense of urgency gripping him.

Roland nodded. "He's been able to manipulate space itself, creating black holes and tearing apart our defences. We've lost many good men to his attacks."

Steven glanced at Sid, who looked back with a mix of determination and fear. "We need to stop him," Steven said firmly. "Where is he now?"

"Last we heard, he was spotted near the eastern outskirts," Roland replied. "But he moves quickly, and his attacks are unpredictable."

Steven turned to Sid. "Stay close to me," he instructed. "This will be dangerous."

Sid nodded, his eyes reflecting his resolve.

As they prepared to leave, Roland placed a hand on Steven's shoulder. "Be careful, Blood Lord. This enemy is unlike any we've faced before."

Steven met his gaze. "We will stop him, General. I promise."

With that, they set off towards the eastern outskirts, the weight of their mission heavy on their minds. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the land. The air grew colder, and the sense of impending danger loomed ever larger.

They reached the outskirts as the last light of day faded, and the first stars began to twinkle in the night sky. The area was eerily quiet, the usual sounds of the forest replaced by an oppressive silence.

Steven's senses were on high alert, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the enemy. Sid stayed close, his small form a stark contrast to Steven's imposing presence.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and a swirling vortex of darkness appeared before them. Steven's hand shot out, pushing Sid behind him as the vortex expanded, threatening to engulf them.

From the darkness, a figure emerged. Tall and cloaked in shadows, his eyes glowed with an unnatural light. "So, the Blood Lord has come," he said, his voice dripping with malice.

Steven's grip tightened on his katana, Crimson, its blade glinting in the dim light. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The figure chuckled, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Sid's spine. "I am Kael, wielder of Void. And you, Blood Lord, are a fool to challenge me."

Steven's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that," he replied, his voice steady.

Kael raised his hand, and the vortex began to spin faster, its pull growing stronger. Steven braced himself, his mind racing as he tried to figure out a way to counter this new power.

Sid watched in awe and fear as Steven and Kael faced off. The air crackled with energy, the tension between the two combatants palpable.

Steven's eyes never left Kael as he prepared to strike. He knew this battle would be unlike any other he had faced, but he was ready. For the sake of Arken, for the people depending on him, and Sid, he would fight with everything he had.

The ground beneath Steven's feet shuddered with each step he took towards Kael. The air around them seemed to warp and twist, a manifestation of Kael's powerful void abilities. Steven's eyes flickered with determination as he gripped Crimson tighter.

"You are strong, Blood Lord," Kael sneered, his voice echoing in the unnatural stillness. "But you are not the true Ancient One."

Steven's jaw tightened. "We are wielders of Dest," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the tension. "We have to protect mankind. Why are you harming humans?"

Kael's eyes flashed with anger. "It is not as simple as it seems, Ancient One. They are the people who killed my master. They killed him when I was submerged in Darkelion Inter-Realm."

Steven frowned, sensing the deep pain and anger in Kael's voice. "There must be some misunderstanding," he said, trying to reach him. "Not all humans are like that."

Kael shook his head, his expression hardening. "No, there is no misunderstanding. My master was everything to me, and they took him away. Now, I will make them pay."

With a roar of anger, Kael launched himself at Steven, his void energy swirling around him like a storm. Steven barely had time to react, raising Crimson to block the incoming attack. The clash of their powers sent shockwaves through the air, shaking the ground beneath them.

Kael moved with blinding speed, his attacks relentless and precise. Steven struggled to keep up, his body pushed to its limits. He parried and countered, but each strike from Kael seemed to grow more powerful, more desperate.

"You don't understand, Ancient One," Kael spat, his eyes blazing with fury. "You don't know what it's like to lose everything."

Steven gritted his teeth, refusing to give in. "I do understand," he said through clenched teeth. "I've lost people too. But this isn't the way."

Kael's response was a furious barrage of void energy, each blast tearing through the air with destructive force. Steven barely managed to dodge, the ground where he stood moments ago was now a smouldering crater.

Sid watched in horror, his heart pounding in his chest. He wanted to help, but he knew he was no match for Kael's power. All he could do was watch and hope that Steven could prevail.

The battle raged on, the night sky lit up by the clash of their abilities. Steven's movements grew slower, his strength waning. He needed to end this quickly, or he would be overwhelmed.

With a desperate surge of energy, Steven summoned the power of Hector's blood. Crimson's blade glowed with a fierce red light, flames licking along its edge. He charged at Kael, their blades meeting in a clash of sparks and fire.

For a moment, it seemed as though Steven had the upper hand. He pressed forward, pushing Kael back. But Kael's void energy surged once more, enveloping him in a protective barrier. With a swift movement, he created a vortex that sucked Steven in, throwing him to the ground.

Kael stood over him, his eyes cold and merciless. "This is the end, Ancient One," he said, his voice filled with finality.

Steven's body ached, every muscle screaming in pain. But he refused to give up. With a surge of determination, he tapped into the depths of his power. The blood of Oriyu swirled around him, forming a cage of blood that trapped Kael within.

Kael struggled, his void energy thrashing against the blood cage. But Steven's will was stronger. He focused all his energy, on tightening the cage until Kael could barely move.

With a final burst of power, he closed the cage, the blood solidifying around Kael. The void energy flickered and died, and Kael's eyes widened in shock.

"You... you will pay for this," Kael spat, his voice filled with venom. "I will be back to avenge my master."

With that, he vanished into the void, leaving Steven breathing heavily, his body trembling with exhaustion.

Sid rushed to his side, his eyes wide with concern. "Are you okay, big brother?"

Steven nodded weakly, managing a faint smile. "I'm okay,