
The Stern of Knowledge

Steven wandered through the bustling corridors of Fort Swan, his mind heavy with the weight of recent battles and looming threats. The echoes of his footsteps reverberated against the ancient stone walls, a reminder of the fort's long history. As he rounded a corner, he found himself face to face with Xalith, the immortal sage known as the Stern of Knowledge. His white eyes reflected a depth of wisdom that seemed infinite, and his presence was a beacon of calm in the chaos.

"Steven," Xalith greeted, his voice a soft murmur that carried the weight of centuries. "I have awaited your arrival. We have much to discuss."

Steven inclined his head respectfully. "Xalith, it's good to see you. I've come seeking guidance. Kael, a Dest user, has attacked, and Ferel, the sixth Ville Lord, looms as a new threat."

Xalith nodded, his expression grave. "Kael's power is immense, capable of destroying entire existences. But there is more to his actions than meets the eye. Ferel has a dangerous ability to manipulate opinions, disguising himself and his generals as humans. This makes him a formidable foe, hidden in plain sight."

"Why won't you use your powers to help mankind?" Steven asked, frustration creeping into his voice.

The sage's eyes softened with understanding. "I am a Stern, bound by my task. My role is to impart knowledge, not to intervene directly in battles. The Sterns were given powers by the Ville Lords when they were gods. Our abilities are limited to nullifying Ville powers and curses. My task is to guide and inform, not to fight."

Steven's frustration melted into curiosity. "If you can nullify Ville powers, then perhaps you can help Kael. He's been manipulated by Ferel."

As their conversation unfolded, a sudden commotion broke out nearby. Steven turned to see Kael emerging from the shadows, his eyes wild with fury. Before Steven could react, Xalith raised his hand, a soft glow emanating from his palm. Kael froze mid-attack, his eyes glazing over as the curse of Ferel was lifted.

Kael blinked, disoriented, and fell to his knees. "What... what happened?" he murmured.

Xalith stepped forward, placing a hand on Kael's shoulder. "You were under Ferel's influence, forced to attack humans. The curse has been removed, but the danger remains. You must fight alongside Steven to stop Ferel."

Kael's eyes widened in realization and gratitude. "Thank you, Stern of Knowledge. I will not forget this."

Steven helped Kael to his feet, his mind racing with new information. "Where do we go from here?" he asked Xalith.

"You must visit the Great Stern of Wisdom," Xalith replied. "Only together can you gather the knowledge and strength needed to defeat Ferel and protect mankind."

With renewed determination, Steven and Kael prepared for the journey ahead. The path would be perilous, but they were no longer alone. United by their purpose, they would face the darkness together.

As they departed, Steven cast a final glance back at Xalith, whose calm presence remained a steadying force in the storm. The road to the Great Stern of Wisdom awaited, and with it, the hope of a future free from the shadows of the Ville Lords.