New Beginnings

Crestwood University had its own distinct charm, nestled amidst the bustling cityscape of Seoul, South Korea. The campus was a blend of traditional Korean architecture and modern facilities, creating an atmosphere that felt both timeless and innovative. The start of the academic year brought a surge of energy, with students milling about, reconnecting with friends, and eagerly anticipating the new experiences ahead.

Ji-ae Kim stood at the entrance of the university, taking it all in. It was her first day, and while many students were accompanied by their parents, Ji-ae was alone. Her parents had passed away in a tragic accident when she was just a child, and she had been raised by her loving grandparents in a quiet town in the countryside. They had done everything to ensure she had the best education, and now she was here, ready to make them proud.

Ji-ae took a deep breath, adjusted her backpack, and made her way to the administrative office to collect her schedule. The bustling noise of the campus was a stark contrast to the serene life she was used to. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves as she navigated through the maze of buildings, finding her way to her first class—Introduction to Literature.

The classroom was already half-filled when she arrived. She found an empty seat near the window, pulled out her notebook, and waited for the professor. As the room continued to fill, she couldn't help but notice the ease with which the other students interacted with each other. Laughter, casual conversations, and the exchange of summer stories made her feel slightly out of place.

Just as the professor walked in, the seat next to her was taken by a young man who exuded confidence. He had tousled hair, sharp features, and an air of effortless charm. Ji-ae recognized him immediately—Min-jun Park, the son of one of Korea's wealthiest families. His presence commanded attention, and it seemed everyone in the room was aware of it.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked, though he was already settling in.

Ji-ae managed a nod, her throat suddenly dry. "Sure."

The class began, and while the professor's lecture on classical Korean literature was engaging, Ji-ae found herself distracted by Min-jun's proximity. She stole glances at him, intrigued by his casual yet focused demeanor. To her surprise, he caught her looking and flashed a friendly smile.

During a group activity, the professor paired them together. Min-jun introduced himself, although it was clear he needed no introduction. They exchanged small talk, and Ji-ae found herself slowly relaxing. Min-jun was surprisingly down-to-earth, showing genuine interest in her background and thoughts on the literature they were studying.

"So, Ji-ae," Min-jun said as they gathered their books at the end of class, "how do you like Crestwood so far?"

"It's...different," Ji-ae replied. "I'm still getting used to everything. It's a lot bigger than my hometown."

"I can imagine. Where are you from?"

"A small town in the countryside. I lived with my grandparents after my parents passed away."

Min-jun's expression softened. "I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been tough."

Ji-ae shrugged, trying to brush off the weight of the memories. "My grandparents are wonderful. They've always supported me."

Min-jun nodded thoughtfully. "Family is important. My parents... well, they're supportive in their own way, but it's not the same."

They walked out of the classroom together, continuing their conversation. Min-jun seemed genuinely interested in her life, asking questions about her childhood, her interests, and her goals. Ji-ae found herself opening up more than she had expected.

As they approached the campus coffee shop, Min-jun turned to her with a smile. "Do you have time for a coffee? It's on me."

Ji-ae hesitated but agreed. "Sure, why not."

The coffee shop was cozy, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of conversation. They found a table by the window and settled in. Min-jun ordered for both of them, returning with two steaming cups of coffee.

"So, Ji-ae," Min-jun began, taking a sip of his coffee, "what made you choose literature?"

Ji-ae smiled, feeling more at ease. "I've always loved stories. Books were my escape growing up. They helped me through some tough times."

"I get that," Min-jun said, leaning back in his chair. "For me, it was music. Playing the piano was my escape."

"You play the piano?" Ji-ae asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, since I was a kid. My parents insisted on it, but I ended up loving it. It's one of the few things that truly relaxes me."

Ji-ae nodded. "I'd love to hear you play sometime."

Min-jun's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Only if you promise to share some of your favorite books with me."

"Deal," Ji-ae agreed, laughing.

They spent the next hour talking about their passions, their dreams, and their fears. Ji-ae was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Min-jun. He was attentive, funny, and surprisingly humble for someone with his background.

As the evening wore on, Ji-ae felt a connection forming. She wasn't sure what it meant yet, but she knew that Min-jun was someone she wanted to get to know better.

Walking back to their dorms, the conversation continued to flow effortlessly. Min-jun shared stories of his childhood, painting a picture of a boy who, despite the wealth and luxury, craved genuine connections.

"So, what do you do for fun around here?" Ji-ae asked.

"There's a lot to do in Seoul," Min-jun replied. "Have you been to Namsan Tower yet? The view is amazing, especially at night."

"I haven't," Ji-ae said. "I've always wanted to go, though."

"Then it's settled. We'll go this weekend," Min-jun declared with a grin.

Ji-ae blushed slightly. "That sounds great."

Before parting ways, Min-jun stopped and looked at her, a serious expression on his face. "Ji-ae, I'm really glad we met. I know we come from different worlds, but... I feel like we understand each other in ways that others don't."

Ji-ae felt a warmth spread through her chest. "I feel the same, Min-jun. It's nice to have someone to talk to."

He smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that made her heart skip a beat. "Goodnight, Ji-ae."

"Goodnight, Min-jun."

As she walked back to her dorm, Ji-ae couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. Meeting Min-jun had brought a new dimension to her university experience, one filled with unexpected companionship and budding emotions.