Under his roof

Markos covered his mouth with one hand in agitation and panic. He continuously asked his driver to move faster. Meanwhile, tracing knuckles over her cheek while she laid in his lap. 'What am I even doing?' Markos bent over to cover her body with the coat but hesitated in touching her. Knowing she was unconscious and could not resist his touches. Markos threw the coat over her chest after spreading it width wise.

Shaking his head he tried to compose himself knowing Valeria wouldn't forgive him if he tried to be naughty. Passing through the city areas, they drove to the outskirts of the city towards the mountains. Nestled atop a lush, green hill, the villa stood as a beacon of serenity and grandeur. The journey up the winding, cobblestone path hinted at the splendour awaiting at the summit. 

There was no doubt pertaining to how filthy rich Markos Moreno was now. The man controlled the whole of Italy and Milan was the hub of everything. Surrounded by a verdant canopy of ancient oak and maple trees, the villa emerged in front of the sight, a masterpiece of architecture blending seamlessly with nature. Markos was relieved as they reached, the doctor had already arrived too. 

"Welcome home, my little pet!" Markos glanced back at her as he smirked at unconscious Valeria. The vehicle entered the parking lot at the edge of the hill, while the pet eagle flew with its shriek; indicating Markos's arrival. As he came out of the car the other vehicles also halted behind him. He had gone to that reunion party with the guards. Those came back with him ensuring safety. 

Heading towards the back seat from the other side, Markos pulled out the woman on his shoulder and walked inside. The grand double doors were opened by the guards as Markos casually and lazily strode in. The sight of having a woman over his shoulder whom he brought home stunned everyone. The maids who were doing their chores in the main hall froze at the scenario. 

As Markos took the arcade towards his room and disappeared from the sight. The maids immediately formed a circle and began whispering to each other. Something like that had never happened before, the word spread like wildfire that Lord Markos Moreno brought a woman home. Though Miss Agnes was supervising the other maids and servitude staff. They all deemed her as Markos' aunt which was why no one dared to offend her either. 

Nonetheless, Markos reached his room and slammed opened the double door with his foot. He gently laid Valeria on the bed while cautiously holding her head. 'I wished we could meet under some other circumstances, Valeria.' For some reason he couldn't refrain himself from touching her face. 'So, we could hate each other less.' Reaching Valeria's cheek, Markos smiled recalling how she shouted at him. 

'You are something, Valeria. Which is why I am still unable to forget you. Move on from you.' Settling her hair locks aside Markos stood up when he noticed the sunlight falling over her unconscious face. The man glanced at the sleeping woman and then closed the curtain while shaking his head. 'Valeria Hayden.' Repeating her name under breath, Markos could feel a sweet taste in his mouth. 

Shaking his head Markos left the room leaving her alone before she could wake up. As soon as Markos walked out, all the maids immediately scattered and pretended to work. Markos maintained his composure and called out the head maid. "Serve her some fresh juices when she wakes up." The head maid nodded. "Oh and send Miss Agnes to her when Valeria wakes up."

"Yes, sir." Markos headed towards his study room to settle some matters. Removing his maroon coat while thinking about how to deal with Castello and Patrick now. Markos stared at the window and threw the coat on the floor and walked over it. Sitting on the chair, throwing his head back, the memories of everything which happened in the past, flashed in his head. 

Meanwhile, back in the room Valeria woke up with a dizzy vision. It had been more than twelve hours she had eaten which caused her vitals to drop. 'Where the heck am I?' Seeing the fancy surroundings around herself raised many questions. It didn't take long for her to realise what could have happened. 'Am I….no way?' She saw the glucose drip inserted in her hand, which the doctor had placed earlier. 

'No, no! I can't be in his place.' Valeria sat on the bed and rushed towards the window. Haphazardly shoving the curtains aside, all she saw was the cliff and mountains. 'Has he been taking care of me when he hates me so much?' Valeria was still swallowing the reality when two young women walked in. They carried a few trays filled with many delicacies for her to eat.

'What the heck is happening?' Valeria couldn't help but feel suspicious as to why she was being treated special. She was still wondering when Miss Agnes walked in. Valeria hadn't seen her before which surprised her, assuming that Markos called in some special caretaker for her. Miss Agnes approached the bed after gesturing to the other girls to put the fruits aside. 

"I am glad that you are awake." Miss Agnes turned towards the juice and started pouring it. Meanwhile, Valeria had sat in the bed when Miss Agnes added something white powdery in the glass. Handing over the glass to Valeria who hesitated. The elderly lady smiled a bit, clearing her misunderstanding. "Don't worry, I won't let you die because Markos loves you."

Valeria scoffed while taking a sip, lowering her head with a bitter smile. "Love me, uh?" Looking at Miss Agnes, her tiresome expressions displayed their relationship. "Oh yes, he does. He loves to see me miserable and dependent on him." Miss Agnes knew what she was talking about but it wasn't her position to clear it out. A grim silence hovered in the room making the situation awkward.