
Violet took a deep breath as she tried to maintain the amount of energy that was giving off with a perfect balance in order to keep the formation of the lightning ball that was forming in the palm of her hands at the time and Xania and Inco played close attention to what she was doing and her eyes narrowed. 

The lightning ball began forming in the perfect form within her hands and it grew according to her will and she smiled a little as she realized that she was gaining more control than she thought she would and she indicated both Inco and Xania to move out of the way as she aimed the attack in another direction, where she could sense no other creature being, since she wanted to see the output of it and what it was capable of. 

Xania and Inco moved out of her way and she lifted her hand up with her eyes glowing brightly and she released the lightning ball, which spun around in a circular motion with a certain amount of speed, creating a bit of flames around it, as it cleared out anything that it passed by. 

Upon contact with the ground it stretched into a large circular formation, causing all the trees around it to shatter and the lightning to spread across the area and Xania let out a low whistle as it cleared out everything within its range and after disappearing, it left a crater into the ground along with scorch marks. 

Xania and Inco turned their attention back towards her and she glanced at the palm of her hands and smiled with her eyes narrowed and small sparks of lightning appeared on her fingers as the two exchanged glances. 

She looked at both of them with a slight gleam in her eyes and Xania chuckled, knowing exactly how good she was feeling at that moment, since she knew now more than ever that she was not weak and she intended to push herself to the very limit if that was what she needed to do. 

[Your skills are improving the more you use and understand them, but every time you use them you will have to add more control because as they evolve, that means they will keep getting stronger and your body will automatically try to make sure it is in control at all times, as for your other abilities, they will awaken the stronger you get.]

'I understand everything that you have explained to me so far but do you know what my other abilities are?' She wondered. 

[Some of them, not all, the rest are just blank until they start to spark within you or you can say awaken, certain events can trigger their awakening, depending on the situation that you are in, one way or the other, it all depends on you, the host of these abilities, normally only a certain type of mage has access to certain abilities but, you have and that is not normal to anyone.] 

"Normal is boring is it not?" She asked with a chuckle, and Xania nodded in agreement with her and she exhaled deeply then looked up at the sky, taking in the fresh air. 

"It's time to head back to the palace, Inco... What am I going to do about you? I cannot really take you there like this... You will definitely scare the hell out of some people," She said and Xania snickered. 

Inco tilted his head a bit as he looked at the size of himself, knowing that she was right but he had no idea what he should do about that either. 

Just then her eyes glowed and a large red magical circle appeared under Inco and they all looked at it, wondering what it was. 

[You do not have to worry about where the beasts you tame will be kept, that magical circle leads to the tamers own space where his or her magical beasts could be kept, it is a space to match tamed beasts liking and one which will not restrict their freedom, so basically they go wherever you go, you can call on them whenever you want and they will be there.]

'I understand, thank you for explaining again,' She thought. 

[No need for a thanks, I am just doing what I was created to do for you, but you are welcome.]

Violet chuckled then looked at Inco and he glanced back and forth, between her and the magical circle beneath him. 

"It's okay, it is nothing to worry about just a home specifically for the beasts I tame, you can go inside, you have that permission," She said. 

"An open space?" Xania asked. 

"Yeah, it's one of those I got access to because of my beast taming ability, it's to provide for the creatures I tame," She responded and Xania nodded, since he understood but one thing he knew was that Violet was not normal and soon enough she may not fall under anything. 

"Thank you," Inco said to her and she glanced at him and tilted her head, wondering why he was thanking her all of a sudden. 

"You are welcome but why are you thanking me?" She asked. 

"Because I don't trust humans easily, a lot of them only use us, magical beasts, for their personal gain and when they think we are not good enough anymore they just toss us aside like trash, so I am thankful, you are at least not the same as a lot," He responded and she smiled at him, as did Xania. 

"I understand, well it is getting late, almost night and I have to head back," She said and Inco nodded then he closed his eyes and disappeared within the magical circle, which closed after he entered and she exhaled deeply, feeling a sense of relief. 

Xania took his seat on her shoulder and she glanced at him with a blank and unamused expression and he grinned as they began making their way back to the palace, since the sun had begun setting and she still had other duties to take care of and she had to prepare for the next day, which would be when the event of the selection, would officially begin.