Challange On

Upon arriving back at the palace, Violet was heading to her chamber to relax a bit and help herself prepare for the upcoming day, when she saw her stepbrother Luca, bracing against a pillar, not far from her chamber, seemingly lost in his thoughts and her brows furrowed as she approached him, wondering what he was doing there and what he wanted, since he never just came to her like that before. 

She came up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder and he glanced back at her and her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, as did his but she did not care and just wanted to know what he was doing there all of a sudden. 

He smirked as he turned around to look at her with his head tilted and her brows furrowed as she clenched her right fist behind her, for she was already annoyed with a lot of his actions and did not want to have to tolerate him much longer. 

He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, thinking about a few things and Xania, who was still there at the time, was paying close attention to the interaction between the two of them and his eyes narrowed, wondering what her stepbrother was up to, since she seemed wary of him. 

"What do you want Luca?" She asked and he sighed as he braced against the pillar, his eyes still on her and her brows furrowed, wondering why he was acting like that. 

"Hi sis, why? Can't a brother visit his loving little sister?" He asked in a sarcastic tone and she gritted her teeth in irritation. 

"Answer my question, you and I both know we do not have that type of relationship as the loving little sister and big brother crap, so start talking and cut your sarcasm Luca," She responded and he chuckled at how fast she could catch on to his actions, despite of their terrible relationship with each other, always at each other's throat. 

"Fine, you got me, tell sis... What's gotten into you lately? The girl who was supposed to have low magical prowess changing... Seems out of the ordinary if you asked me, especially for you, people do not just change unless they always had it somewhere within them, so tell me, what is going on with you?" He asked, with curious eyes as he looked at her and she rolled her eyes. 

"As far as you are concerned Luca, I always had it in me and now that I am aware of that, I do not intend to just fall back and stay in the shadows, not anymore, those days are over big brother, dont tell me, you are worried?" She asked with a condescending tone and he gritted his teeth, since she had just grated on his nerves and Xania chuckled at her witty remark. 

"Do not patronize me Violet, why should I be worried about a little girl who is miles behind me? I am just curious about the unnatural changes we have been seeing within you lately well maybe even that will have it perks, let's see how far you can really go, shall we Violet?" He asked with a challenge in his eyes and her eyes narrowed as a smile formed on her face. 

"Let's see, dear big brother, just so you know being overconfident can be a very bad thing, but we shall see how this goes," She responded, facing him head on. 

Xania snickered at the confrontation between the two of them, for he knew what Violet said was not wrong either and little did they know that her younger stepbrother Kei, was looking at them as well, for he was passing back when he heard them talking and he was amused by the situation unfolding between them. 

"Well, well, looks like this selection and the entire event will be a lot more interesting to be in than I thought," Kei said and their attentions snapped towards him and he smirked as he stared at them and Xania chuckled. 

"Kei? What are you doing here?" Luca asked in an annoyed tone and Kei shrugged, as he pushed himself off of the wall and approached Violet, with curious yet playful eyes and her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. 

"Me? I was just passing by when I overheard you guy's interesting conversation, I have to say I am quote interested to see what happens next, true sis here is now a lot different from before, but I personally think it's a good thing, definitely more fun.... Say, Violet, do you want to train with me sometimes?" Kei asked. 

When they heard that, both Luca and Violet stared at him and Xania scoffed, since he could see that the boy was being honest about what he was saying and Violet's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized him, carefully then sighed when she realized he was actually being serious. 

"What on god's good... Ugh, what are you on about this time Kei? Why would you want to even train with the likes of her?" Luca asked and Kei's eyes narrowed as he glanced at him brother, seriously, since he was not messing around like how he usually would. 

"Likes of her, huh? Well, I think she has chances now more than ever big bro and I would like to see how far she can really go as well, I think it would benefit both of us if we trained together, I am serious about this so, get over it," Kei said and Luca gritted his teeth in annoyance. 

"Just train with me instead then, there is nothing she can help you with, either way, she now got into this," Luca replied in an annoyed tone, since he was losing his patience with both of them. 

"Brother, I made my decision and there is nothing you can do about it, I think it will benefit us, I did not ask for a third opinion, deal with it, stop making a big deal of it," Kei said and Violet sighed, knowing he was being serious and was willing to see how it would go as well. 

"Fine, I will accept your offer," Violet said and Luca's head snapped to her and Kei smiled and nodded enthusiastically. 

"Challange is on, little sister, let's see how far this will go, how far we can all go," Luca said. 

"Challange accepted," She said as she looked directly in Luca's eyes and they were head-to-head with each other, causing the atmosphere to be a little electric and Xania and Kei enjoyed what they were seeing.