Won't hesitate

Everyone was surprised by her assertive demeanor and unapologetic tone, for no one had ever seen her like that before and Kei and Luca left staring at her as well, for the only time they had ever seen something a bit similar to that attitude was when she was brave enough to stand up against their father, something even they did not even dream of doing and she was making quite the impression, one that would be lasting. 

Luca and Kei exchanged glances as did a few of the other participants around them, for it was quite the turn of events and something they were not expecting to see at all. 

A few of the instructors that were passing by, ones that were specifically hand to be there to guide the selection, since it was the most important event. 

They saw what was happening but did not intervene, instead, they stood quietly from afar, looking at the scene unfolding before their eyes, in surprise and curiosity. 

They exchanged glances, since they recognized who Violet was and were curious to see what would happen next, since this was a new side to her, those who have at least known a bit about her, were seeing. 

"Go on and answer me, why are you still quiet? Did the cat got your tongue because you were spewing crap from that very mouth of yours just now without knowing anything or has your brain seized?" She asked and Kei stifled a laugh. 

Everyone stared at them and the young man swallowed deeply as he looked at the intensity in her eyes, not knowing how to react or whether or not he should even answer the questions posed by her without making a complete fool of himself and he averted her gaze, hoping to get away from the situation, his cocky demeanor, faltering immensely under her scrutinizing gaze. 

"Answer my question or did your voice suddenly just disappear? I am warning you, you better not think I am the type to take people's crap and if anyone dares to mess with me, I will not hesitate from giving them a fitting reply in the most brutal way possible," She said with a hint of danger in her tone, making sure those around her, heard what she was saying, knowing she was not messing around. 

Quite a few of the participants that were around them at the time, shrunk back and averted their gaze, feeling vulnerable and exposed and the instructors smiled at the scene, feeling somewhat satisfied, as did Kei, while Luca was just observing what was happening, with an intense gaze. 

"I hope I am making myself clear to you, I will not hesitate to put the likes of people like you to their places, no matter how harsh some may consider it to be," She said as she stepped away from him and he stood up straight, all while avoiding her gaze, hoping the ground could swallow him whole, just to avoid getting more embarrassed by the situation, he created. 


Kei stepped forward and patted her shoulder and she exhaled deeply as she looked at the young man, who seemed to be the same age as her, with her eyes narrowed, since she did not like people like him in the slightest. 

"I- I understand, I am sorry for my words, I should not have judged you just like that based on what I have heard and had no ground to speak on it," He said with a slight bow of his head and Luca raised his brows at the young man's sudden submissive demeanor and he scoffed, finding the situation quite amusing, despite himself. 

"Good, don't make this repeat itself or next time, I won't show the slightest bit of mercy," She replied then turned around and walked away. 

He left staring at her, as did those around them, that were all witnessing the scene, dumbfounded and the instructors smiled at each other, knowing that the event was going to be a lot more interesting than they initially thought and they nodded at each other, before walking away, heading to the assembly area, to brief the participants. 

Kei quickly followed suit and Luca shook his head in disbelief, not expecting their first day there, to have such a turn of events and he went after both of them as well. 

'That was quite the performance sis," Kei said as he looked at her and she did not respond, since she was still a bit on edge and he realized that and smiled a little before falling into place beside her, while Luca walked directly behind the two of them. 

"Are you going to be okay sis?" Kei asked and she snapped out of her spiraling thoughts, then glanced at him and he smiled at her, to which she sighed. 

"Yeah, I will be just fine, don't worry about me and thanks... I guess," She responded and he chuckled. 

"You are welcome, I guess you really are not used to certain things, huh..." Kei mumbled and Luca glanced at his younger brother, with his eyes narrowed, wondering what was going through Kei's mind. 

"Violet... What are you aiming for?" Kei asked, in order to confirm something. 

Both Luca and Violet looked at him and she tilted her head a little, wondering why he was asking such questions, so suddenly, but she did not mind giving him an answer. 

"Why the sudden curiosity?" She asked and he looked at her. 

"I just want to confirm something, that's all," He responded and her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, as did Xania, who was still floating around them, observing quietly. 

"The top, that's what I am aiming for," She said as she went ahead of them. 

Kei's eyes widened a bit after hearing her response, then he smiled and nodded and Luca just stayed silent the entire time, a few things swirling in his mind, about Violet and everything that had been going on around all of them lately. 

They arrived at the assembly ground, where the other participants were all gathered and those who saw what happened just a while back, glanced at her quietly as the instructors took the podium in front of them.