A part of the process

Violet could feel many of their gazes boring into her back but she did not care since no one there mattered to her, only one thing did at the time and that was fulfilling her goal, one which was not going to be easy and she knew that, she will have to push herself to the limit if she wanted to make a breakthrough and not go back to the life she used to live. 

She noticed a few of the instructors, were looking in her direction and her eyes narrowed as she kept her gaze, locked on them not flinching in the slightest, which some of them were taken aback by, since most participants would naturally try to please them and mostly get on their good sides, during the event, but they could see she was not among those who acted like cowards. 

They exchanged glances, realizing that she was indeed completely different from most and would not lower her head that easily in front of anyone, which they found quite refreshing from the typical type of people they were used to and they liked that about her, they knew that this event would be one to remember and far more interesting than they first thought. 

They exchanged glances and then gave each other small nods, showing they should start the assembly and explained what needed to be done in order for them to understand the rules and regulations of the selection, so that no one would try to go beyond that and understand the consequences of anything like cheating their way through it, especially cheating. 

They all turned towards the participant and the leader among them, stepped forward and his eyes narrowed as his gaze scanned the crowd, scrutinizing everyone and Violet looked at him with her eyes narrowed, and his gaze fell on her and her eyes narrowed with an intensity as she kept hers locked onto him. 

He raised his brows in slight surprise and one of the other instructors, held back a chuckle, since they had seen how unnerving Violet could be firsthand. 

He looked at her and her two brothers beside her and realized who they were but status and titles and whatever else, did not matter during the event, everyone was seen as just participants, nothing else. 

His eyes narrowed as he glanced at her once more, before turning his attention back to what he needed to do. 

"Hello participants, welcome to the first day of the selection, I am the leader here, and my name is Lucas Vitalis, I expect you all to listen carefully to what I am going to say and questions can only be asked after I am finished, is that clear?" He asked in a firm yet gentle tone and Violet's eyes narrowed as she looked at him. 

Everyone nodded in respect of him, not wanting to cross him or get on his bad side and he sighed, seeing they all understood and without any sort of delay, since it was already getting late, he began the assembly. 

As he was speaking and began explaining the rules that the participants had to adhere to, during the selection, Violet paid close attention to everything he was saying, since she did not want to mess up in any way, for that was something that she could not afford, especially if she wanted to make it to the top, which was already a hard enough task, that only the bests of the best can manage. 

Lucas felt her gaze on him and his eyes narrowed but he kept on going with the assembly, when he began getting a slightly heavy feeling and he glanced in her direction and his eyes widened, ever so slightly, when he saw the intensity of the aura surrounding her, which made her stood out from quite a lot of them around her. 

[He has a see-through ability, which means even if a person is not openly using their abilities, he can see beneath the layer, see the aura surrounding them, even if they were not doing anything and was concealing parts of themselves, he can see right through it]

Upon hearing the description given to her, Violet's brows furrowed as she kept her gaze fixed on him and his brows furrowed as he looked at her, while talking then he regained his composure. 

'What's with her? The aura surrounding that girl is different from others around here, it stands out... It's also slightly uneasy, as though it had a mind of its own,' Lucas thought as he was speaking, trying his best to fully regain his composure, for she had managed to throw him completely off guard, something he was not used to, nor did he quite like the feeling of not being in his element, which she dragged him out of unknowingly. 

He clenched his fists and continued speaking, explaining that, cheating will have anyone who does it, thrown out and they will not be able to join the selection ever again, if there will be another one and their family's name would be on the line, since the event was a serious one and nonsense would not be tolerated and those who go against the rules, would be punished accordingly and without exception. 

Everyone exchanged glances, realizing this was not going to be as carefree as some of them thought it would be and a lot began to understand the severity of certain things. 

"Another thing and probably the most important one among others, there will be an elimination process based on performance and lack of what is necessary, it's how the selection will go on and be able to reach the final stage," He announced and they gasped since they did not realize that, even at the start, poor performance and lack of certain skills could get them eliminated from the selection. 

They exchanged uneasy glances, knowing that if they messed up, there would not be a second chance and would immediately be eliminated from the selection. 

"Now that you all understand, it's time to start the day, I am your instructor for combat and certain abilities, your schedules were sent to you, use them and let's get the first day started, that will be all and I wish you all good luck," He said, bringing the assembly to an immediate conclusion, leaving many feeling slightly nervous.