Promise Is A Promise

Destiny's POV

"There is no way I will leave you, Destiny. You can't survive alone," Daria said as she looked at me with determination. I creased my forehead and stared at her.

It was early in the morning, and I already texted Leo I needed a favor from him last night. He quickly responded, telling me he needed a caretaker in one of his properties within the city.

"Daria, I am no longer a child; I can take care of myself. You are better off with Leo; he is a good man." I responded as I continued putting my clothes in my suitcase.

"Over my dead body," she answered, and I temporarily stopped what I was doing and faced her.

"Please, don't argue with me; I am doing all this for your safety. I promise you that when things get better, I will take you back. I am sorry if I can't bring you to where I am going." I said with pleading in my eyes.