
In another part of the city, Amelia was sulking while sipping a latte. She could not understand how Leila had anything better to do than hang out with her. She was the better option, regardless of the other party's identity. 

It was insulting not to be considered as the first option by a mere village girl. She did not think Leila, who had just come to Lake City, had anyone important to meet. She was probably putting on airs. 

"Hey, Amelia. You seem a little off today!" One of her friends who was at the table with her commented. 

Amelia tried to smile. "I am just thinking of my internship." 

"You got an internship?" The girl, Lara, gasped in shock. 

Amelia felt a little better, seeing someone appreciate her accomplishments correctly. She was still bitter because Leila said that all design was just patterns, instead of recognising her potential. 

"Yeah, I will be working at Farrel Motors for a while until I go to the university," Amelia replied calmly, hiding her pride. 

"You are really amazing, Amelia," Lara said. "As for me, I am just going to waste my time until the time for going to the university comes." 

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Amelia asked. 

"I was thinking about travelling for a little while, but my eldest brother wants me to go to the Capital City to help him with his company. If possible, I want to run away from my parents and siblings before they kill me with work." Lara whined. 

Amelia smiled stiffly. She both envied and looked down on Lara. Lara was the only girl in her family, and her parents and brothers were willing to give her anything she wanted. She never had to work hard for anything. 

Unfortunately, the love Lara had made her a little bit naïve and spoiled. But all things considered, she was a pretty good friend to Amelia, so she always overlooked some of her behaviour and words. 

It was good to have her around because she was useful.

"It is good to help your family. My sister will probably join the family company when she finishes high school. I think she has some interest in the entertainment industry. Regrettably, it is not for me." Amelia said with the air of a future self-made woman. 

Lara laughed. "If you wanted, you could do well in the entertainment industry. You are beautiful and educated as well as a rich daughter. These days, it is better to think about making yourself popular." 

Amelia was flattered by the compliments, but she had never been a fan of putting her life into the public. She felt that only women who did not value themselves and were desperate for attention were in the entertainment industry. 

"It is not my kind of thing. I prefer to just let my work speak for itself." She replied while finishing up her latte. 

Lara laughed. "You are thinking about the traditional entertainment industry. You do not need to be an actor or a singer. I am talking about creating an image for the public and using it to elevate yourself."

Her tone was like she was talking to a child, and it irritated Amelia because she always considered herself to be smarter than the coddled Lara. 

"I do not want people to think that I am using my appearance to get ahead," Amelia said. "Plus, the moment you put yourself in public, people will start criticising without any facts."

Lara tsked as she leaned closer to Amelia. "Let me tell you a secret. Right now, most companies value popularity and numbers the most. All industries are too competitive, so most employers are more interested in people who are more than book-smart. All my brothers have built companies, so I know how it works."

"Is that so?" Amelia said lightly. 

"Even doctors, scientists, and professors create content to elevate their profile. When employers see someone with a huge online following, they are more interested. They assume they will get more profits based on their fans." Lara continued. "Think about how many fans you would get as a beautiful girl who is into cars. You might become the wife of the nation."

"Alright, alright, I will think about it," Amelia replied. 

Amelia did not want to continue with this topic, especially when she saw how excited Lara was getting. She did not trust any of her friends because, to her, girls were too competitive and were always waiting for a chance to see her make a mistake. 

However, she could not deny the appeal of the idea. 

Since she became a young adult with her own thoughts, she wanted to have stability and live a life which allowed her to be envied by everyone else. She wanted to have skills, love, and a lot of money. 

If she could become a coveted beautiful and talented woman, she would be able to choose the best man possible to marry. But she did not know why Lara was suggesting such a good thing with so much enthusiasm. 

Amelia looked at Lara, who was smiling happily as she tapped on her phone, with suspicion. She could not figure out what trap the girl was setting. That naïve face was probably hiding a nefarious plot. 

But Amelia could not be more wrong. 

Lara was being completely honest in her suggestion to Amelia. She thought it was a good idea for Amelia because she already had a clear view of her future. Plus, she was in a male-dominated niche industry. Popularity could set her up for a successful career.

Another thing, Lara was interested in modern digital marketing, especially those related to social media platforms. She had helped her family members, who were all traditional people, embrace the idea for their companies. 

In fact, her brother wanted her to manage his company's social accounts, but the other family members said it would be unfair. As for her, she wanted to be a leisurely travel blogger before she was conned into working for them.

She did not even think about sabotaging Amelia. Amelia was just suffering from persecutory delusions. She thought none of the girls she called friends truly liked her because she believed she was smarter and better than them. 

As for the friends…

"Lara, Amelia!" A group of girls entered the rest area with bright faces, and one of them spoke up. "I cannot believe that the two of you bailed on horse riding. It is the only time we are here without the guys to criticise us." 

The other girls agreed. Usually, all the friends in their group hang out together at the ranch, but the boys would naturally try to point out mistakes, especially when the girls rode for fun instead of racing like maniacs. 

"I wanted to, but it is that time of the month," Lara said with genuine regret. 

The girls turned to Amelia, and she felt like they were trying to find trouble with her. As expected, they liked to criticise her for every small thing. Of course, she could not tell them she was in a bad mood because of Leila. 


"Me too," She said instead even though it was not true. 

"That's true friendship!" One of the girls said while the others laughed. 

Amelia smiled, but she cursed them in her heart.