Triggering Greed

When evening came, Leila returned to the Campbell family with a rested mind. She was quite satisfied with the Farrels, and she had come to an agreement with Elliot on developing the new product. 

Farrel Motors planned on developing a new luxury security car for aristocratic families that could not get enough fancy automobiles. Most security vehicles were built in the classic military style and unsuitable for civilians. 

Leila was supposed to collaborate by designing a beautiful car that would not compromise performance and security. The project was interesting, so she was not worried about being bored during her time in Lake City. 

When she entered the Campbell house, she found a sullen Charlotte and an angry Isaiah in the living room with a stubborn Mason facing them. Her eyebrows lifted in surprise before she schooled her expression and greeted them politely. 

"Leila, did you tell Mason to go to the village to spend time with your grandparents?" Charlotte asked with anger. 

Leila understood what happened. With the skills of a national actress, she lowered her head as if in contrition at the accusation. 

"Is that bad? I just mentioned that the old people were probably lonely without me. Even though I am their family, I cannot compare to their biological grandchildren. It was just a passing suggestion." She explained.

Seeing how honest she looked, Charlotte felt uncomfortable. She believed that Leila was pretending to be sorry, but she did not have evidence. Anything she said would make her seem like an ungrateful daughter. 

"Mason is still young, and he needs to attend school and other classes. It would be better if one of his sisters accompanied your grandparents." Isaiah said with a stiff face. 

Mason's face fell in disappointment. As expected, he could not do anything he wanted, even if it was not something other people cared about. His parents would never let him experience life despite always ignoring him. 

The crestfallen look was caught by Leila, and she felt sorry for the little guy. He was so young, yet he had already experienced so many disappointments. 

"I thought so too," Leila said, and Mason's face crumbled faster. "I asked Amelia first because she is mature and intelligent: she can converse with our grandparents easily. They love playing things like chess. I thought she would be a good fit. Unfortunately, she said she will be too busy."

Isaiah and Charlotte remembered that Amelia had told them about the internship. All things considered, both of them would have preferred to have Amelia befriend the old people. She was the shrewdest and knew how to take advantage. 

"Even if Amelia is not available, Holly is also a good choice. Although she is a little immature, she would be more helpful to your grandparents." Charlotte said even though she knew how much Holly hated the village. 

Charlotte's ears twitched a little as she heard a telltale noise outside and a faint smell of perfume reached her sensitive nose. 

"You are right. Holly can accompany her grandparents in the village." Leila sighed. "I did not ask because you know how she feels about me. I am just afraid that she will think that I am trying to replace her in the family."

Charlotte and Isaiah fell silent as they were put on the spot because it was true. There was no way that Holly would take the gesture kindly. She did not think ahead like Amelia. She was satisfied with small gains instead of looking at the big picture.

"I am sure Holly will not mind going away for a few weeks," Charlotte said, but she did not sound confident. 

The living room door burst open, and Holly stepped in with furious eyes blazing. If she were a supernatural being, her form would have shifted into a monster, perhaps a snorting minotaur. 

"Like hell, I will." She shouted. "Are you going to abandon your daughter for an outsider? For years, we have lived peacefully as a family. How come you do not see that she is sowing discord by sending me away?"

Isaiah, who was always indulgent of Holly, felt a bit angry. "This is a good opportunity for you to get to know your grandparents."

There was a bit of a hinting tone in his voice. He assumed that she would get it because she knew how wealthy the Lawsons were. To him, it would be a triumph if his miserly in-laws would give his children an inheritance. 

"I do not want to live with old people!" Holly did not get the hint. "If you want to take me there, you will have to kill me! I just want things to go back to the way they were. She will destroy our family."

Holly shouted before running up the stairs. Leila was amused and felt a little admiration for Holly. Maybe people with low intelligence had a special sense that helped them survive in the cruel world. 

Holly was right. She was going to destroy the family if they were involved in her kidnapping. Of course, for the sake of her grandparents, she would not completely grind them into dust. 

Again, Leila heard a noise at the door and her eyes twinkled with mischief. 

"Perhaps, I should not stay here anymore. I am causing a lot of inconvenience." Leila said with a voice dripping in sadness. 

Charlotte wished that she could agree and toss her out of Lake City. But she could not let herself be suspect. Moreover, she needed to know what Leila knew and determine if she would have to do something to protect her family. 

"Do not be rash. You have nowhere to go." She said gently. 

Leila shook her head. "Grandpa and Grandma were worried that you might not have a place for me here, so they bought me a penthouse apartment at the Lakeview Complex. It would not be trouble." 

Leila shared this information to lower Charlotte's guard and reassure her that she was not targeting the Campbell family. Secondly, she wanted to trigger a greater wave of greed in Amelia, making it easier to manipulate her. 

The Lakeview Complex was a high-rise residential building that boasted the best amenities and the coveted view of the lake for which the city was named. It was not enough to have money to buy the penthouse. 

Her grandparents were worried and asked some friends to help in procuring the place for her. This apartment was worth a lot of money and was a status symbol. There was no way Amelia would not covet that kind of wealth.

As expected, Amelia entered at this point like she had not been listening to the conversation at the door. However, she pretended to be confused about the situation, acting like she did not hear anything.