Winston did not respond as he poured himself a drink from the table.
Callum did not offer to help. He might be a polite host, but he would not serve Winston. Their relationship was distant at best. Moreover, both of them thought that the other person had a messed up relationship with Sterling.
Xavier was not in a good mood to deal with the squabbles between these potential brothers-in-law. It was the reason he told Sterling to check on Leila. He did not want their disagreements to ruin Leila's night out.
"I had a conversation that irked me," Winston said as he took his drink. "It looks like you have become a liability."
Winston said it in a mocking tone, but he meant it.
Despite what everyone thought, he loved his little brother. He never thought that everyone assumed he did not care for Sterling. But so far, Xavier, Callum, and Seth had mentioned that he had hurt Sterling.
He never thought of it that way before.