Meeting Samantha Again

"You two go and change into something more formal. We are heading out of the estate with my mother." Fredrinn said to Olivia and Cain. 

Hearing this, Cain and Olivia bowed and left at once. 

After they left, Fredrinn went to his closet to search for suitable clothes. "Which one should I wear for this occasion?" He muttered to himself while looking at the array of clothes neatly displayed in front of him. 

"Should I also wear white clothes like my mother? No… That would make us look like lovers… In that case, I'll just choose my usual style." Fredrinn grabbed a set of red yishang with golden phoenix patterns woven in front and at the back of the article. On the sleeves were golden characters that formed the words 'Sovereign of Flames'. 

After changing into his new clothes, Fredrinn looked at himself in the mirror. His dashing visage and striking red yishang made him smile in satisfaction. 

He then grabbed his sword and tied it to his waist. "Perfect." 

After admiring himself in the mirror, Fredrinn went out of his room and saw that Cain and Olivia were already there. He was surprised by how fast they changed their clothes. 

On their way out of the main mansion, they encountered Darius. 

"My lord, here are the results of our investigations." Darius presented him the detailed reports of their findings about the Snake Gang. 

"You have my thanks, Sir Darius. Please have your men monitor their movements. I will deal with them soon." Dealing with the Snake Gang was a matter of importance. Their destruction would earn him bountiful rewards from the system. 

"Yes, my lord!" Darius nodded his head. 

Fredrinn bid him farewell and left the mansion with his two followers. As soon as they stepped out of the mansion, they saw a carriage drawn by three obsidian-maned horses. 

The window of the carriage sprung open, revealing Margaret's face. "Are they the people you wish to bring?" She smiled at her son.

"Yes, mother." Fredrinn nodded with a smile. 

"Alright. Bring them in. I'd like to get to know them." 

Fredrinn entered the carriage and eagerly introduced Olivia and Cain to her. 

Margaret was a good talker so the 1-hour journey wasn't boring. 

Looking at the majestic building outside, Fredrinn smiled. 'Cloud Lake Pavilion… I didn't expect that I would be here again so soon…'

"I know that you like this place. I have also been here before, but I left after eating my meal." Margaret commented when she saw Fredrinn's expression. 

"Mother, you missed out on something fun. You see they have some great performers here." 

"I heard about them too, but I haven't seen them perform yet." 

"Then we should ask the owner to have them perform." 

At this moment, Ryan was slacking off outside the establishment when he suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure heading toward him. He squinted his eyes and was terrified when he realized who it was. He immediately rose to his feet and turned around. Just as he was about to flee inside the building, a hand pressed on his shoulder, preventing him from escaping. 

"Ryan, it's good to see you again." 

Ryan's knees buckled when he heard this familiar voice. He stiffly turned his head and forced out an ugly smile. "I-I see you have been well, my l-lord…" He stuttered.

"Why are you shaking? Are you sick?" 

Ryan chuckled dryly. "Not at all, my lord. I just feel a little bit dizzy." 

"That's not good. Why are you working when you're not feeling well? Did your boss force you to come to work? Tsk. I should give her a piece of my mind." Fredrinn walked briskly toward the restaurant, but Ryan immediately blocked his path. 

"You don't need to do that, my lord. I came to work voluntarily. Miss Samantha didn't force me or anything." Ryan nervously said. He was afraid that Fredrinn would really reprimand his boss. If that were to happen, his job would be at stake. 

"Is that so? Fine. I'll believe you." Fredrinn rubbed his nose. Teasing this guy was so much fun, but he had to stop here or Ryan might faint from anxiety. 

Ryan was relieved. He wiped off the sweat on his face and asked cautiously. "Do you want me to arrange a room for you, my lord?" 

"Yes. I want the one that I had recently. I brought my mother with me so please have your performers ready. My mother wants to see their talents." 

Hearing this, Ryan nodded. "Follow me inside, my lord. I'll bring you there." 

Soon, news about his arrival spread among the workers of the establishment. Some cowardly guests even left when they heard of his presence. 

"He's here again?" Samantha who was resting in her office furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing her subordinate's report. 

"Yes, miss. He brought Madam Margaret with him this time. I already asked the performers to prepare since he asked for them." Ryan nervously nibbled his fingers after saying that. 

"There is no need to worry. If Madam Margaret is here, that guy won't cause any trouble. Come with me. I need to greet them in person." Samantha didn't wait for his reply as she headed out of her office.

"Miss, wait for me!" 

Meanwhile, Fredrinn's group had already taken their seats inside the Diamond Room.

"I didn't know they had such room in this building," Margaret remarked while observing the furnishing of the room. 

Fredrinn chuckled. "This is their Diamond Room. They don't usually bring anyone here." 

"Is that so? Now, I'm looking forward to their dishes." Margaret's last visit here was quick and she was also hiding her identity at that time so she didn't know about this VIP experience. 

"You won't be disappointed, mother. I have tried their dishes and I only have praises for them." 

"Knowing how picky you are, that means their food must be great."

While the mother and son were chatting, they suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"You may enter," Margaret said.

The door was pushed open and Samantha was the first one to enter. "Greetings, Madam Margaret and Sir Fredrinn. Welcome to my humble establishment." She cupped her fists in greeting. 

Normally, the ladies would do a curtsy when greeting someone, but since she was from a martial practitioner family, she preferred to greet someone by cupping her fists.