Browsing the Fate Shop

"It's good to see you again, Miss Samantha." Margaret smiled at her while nodding her head. She didn't need to do a curtsy since Samantha was one generation younger than her. 

Fredrinn also cupped his fists in response to her greeting.

"I'm glad to see you in good health, madam. It has been…" 

Samantha and Margaret exchanged pleasantries and chatted for a good while, disregarding Fredrinn who could only awkwardly return to his seat. 

Looking at his mother who was happily conversing with Samantha, Fredrinn could only smile bitterly while shaking his head. 'Everything they are talking about is all about women stuff…' 

"Oh my! I'm sorry for ignoring you, Sir Fredrinn. I was so excited to see Madam Margaret that I forgot that you were here." Samantha stared at him apologetically. However, Fredrinn knew that she did it on purpose. 

"It's fine. It's not every day that my mother would have the time to chat with anyone. In fact, I'm happy to see her enjoying her time here." Fredrinn's words made Margaret smile from ear to ear. Her son had truly changed.

Meanwhile, Samantha felt goosebumps all over her skin. She wasn't used to Fredrinn's current behavior. 

Ryan cleared his throat and said. "Excuse me, miss, madam, and my lord. The food will be here soon. The performers are also waiting outside." 

"Oh? Please let them enter. I've been looking forward to their performances." Margaret said with anticipation. 

Samantha nodded to Ryan. "Do as the madam says." 

"Yes, my ladies." Ryan bowed and went to call the performers.

Soon, the performers entered the room and began performing in groups. Their food also arrived soon after that. 

Fredrinn enjoyed this rare moment of peace. He knew that he wouldn't have this much luxury in the future so he dived into the food and alcohol to temporarily forget about everything. 

Time slipped by, and in just a blink of an eye, a few hours had passed. 

"I think we should go now," Margaret muttered after taking a look at the darkening sky. 

Samantha didn't insist on making them stay. "I had a great time with you, Madam Margaret. I hope that you will visit me again sometime." 

"I too had a great time, today. I'll come back to see you when I have the time." Margaret smiled as she stood up. 

Meanwhile, Fredrinn was already feeling a bit drunk so he just nodded at Samantha so as to not embarrass himself. 

After bidding farewell to each other, Samantha sent them off. 

"Madam, I think we should look for an inn to stay. It will be dangerous if we head back to the estate at this time." Margaret's bodyguard, a middle-aged man in his fifties, suggested with a stern look. 

Margaret furrowed her eyebrows. She understood her bodyguard's worries. The Firecrown Household had captured the third heir of the Blackcrow Household so there was bound to be some conflict between the two families. The latter might even attack them if they choose to travel at night. "I understand. Tell the coachman to bring us to the most well-protected inn." 

"Yes, my lady." The bodyguard nodded. 

Fredrinn sobered up when he heard their conversation. He looked at the middle-aged bodyguard and thought. 'That man should be Sir Tyrell Hans, a Core Formation realm martial practitioner.' 

Including Tyrell and Cain, they only have eleven bodyguards. The rest were also at the Foundation Establishment realm. Although it was a strong party, they wouldn't be completely safe if they encountered an elite squad from the Blackcrow Household. 

Margaret stared at Fredrinn and held his hand. "My son, I hope you don't mind my arrangements." 

Fredrinn shook his head. "I know that this is for the safety of the group. Don't worry about me, mother." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Thank you for your understanding." 

Fredrinn said a few more words to make his mother calm down. He then opened the Fate Shop to see if there was an item that would pique his interest. 

He had already checked the pets and servants category so he crossed them out immediately. He was also fairly satisfied with the Seven Scorching Sword Style so he didn't need any battle techniques at the moment. As for cultivation methods, he had the system prompt that gives him cultivation experience so that was the least of his worries. The only category left was the equipment/items.

• Equipment/Items

• Blessed Yishang Battle Suit [Rare] 500 Fate Points

- Can defend the wearer against the attacks of Core Formation realm martial practitioners. 

• Purified Necklace of Protection [Rare] 500 Fate Points

- Can block the wearer from a Nascent Soul martial practitioner's attack once.

• Decade Lamp [Uncommon] 100 Fate Points

- A magical lamp that emits light for a decade. 

• Leaf of Vitality [Uncommon] 50 Fate Points

- Can heal minor wounds and improve health upon consumption. Cannot be used to heal mental illnesses or curses.

• Scarlet Fruit Elixir [Rare] 500 Fate Points

- Increases fire affinity by one star upon consumption. Can only be consumed once. Further consumption will provide no additional benefit.

Fredrinn browsed through the list of items and equipment. 

All of them were unique items and there were even some that he had never heard of. The one item that caught his eye was the Scarlet Fruit Elixir. Although it could only be consumed once, its additional benefit of increasing fire affinity by one star was very tempting to him. 

A one-star increase in fire affinity would significantly bolster his spell-drawing speed when casting the Seven Scorching Sword Style! 

[Confirm Purchase]

[Yes] [No]

Fredrinn rubbed his chin with a hesitant look. If he bought the elixir, he would only be left with 100 Fate Points. 'I really want the elixir, but I would only be left with 100 Fate Points. That wouldn't be enough if something unexpected happens.' 

After careful deliberation, he clicked [No] with some reluctance. 

'There is plenty of time to buy the elixir once I clear more missions.' He thought. 

At this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped. 

"We're here, my lady." 

"Alright. Let's go, everyone." Margaret stepped out of the carriage with the help of Sir Tyrell. 

Fredrinn closed the Fate Shop and followed his mother. Olivia and Cain then stepped out one after another.