New Uniforms and Swords

"They are mostly comprised of felons and criminals who are wanted in the city. They extort money from the people in the slums and…" 

"…We must eliminate them before they become a tumor in Red Sun City!" Fredrinn's voice was cold and filled with unshakable dignity. 

"This will be your first true mission…" He paused to give them some time to take in his words. 

"I will be joining the operation and I will observe you from the sidelines. Do your task properly and you will be rewarded according to your efforts! Do you understand?"

"Yes, my lord!" 

Everyone was boiling with excitement. They finally felt that they were a true guards unit. All they did was practice and do drills. They had never been sent to an actual mission so they were looking forward to their first official assignment. 

"Do you see the boxes in front of you?" Fredrinn looked at the boxes piled beside him when he said these words.