Visitors from the Blackcrow Household

Inside the family clinic, a wrinkled old man was peacefully leaning on his chair when he suddenly heard a series of footsteps outside. "Hm?" 

"Greetings, Doctor Noel!" Olivia bowed at the old doctor the moment they entered the clinic. 

The old doctor squinted his eyes. "Aren't you the girl working for Lord Fredrinn?" He was already familiar with her since Fredrinn was always sent to the clinic in the past. 

"Doctor, these men are warriors from Lord Fredrinn's guards unit. Please take care of them." Olivia pointed at the muscular man and his five cronies. 

Doctor Noel put on his glasses. Although he was a Core Formation martial practitioner, he couldn't escape the deterioration of his body that was brought upon by his age. His eyesight had become terrible and he was also afflicted by other health issues. Luckily for him, he wasn't part of the family's combat force.