Negotiations in Progress

"Patriarch Roland, we know that you are a busy man so let's save our time from the useless chatter." Agatha sent the messenger a look when she said that. 

The messenger cleared his throat. "Patriarch Roland, we can give you one million star coins as you had requested, but we can only offer 20 battle horses at most." Before coming here, Reynard told them that they could offer 50 battle horses. However, that would significantly weaken their cavalry so he had to do every means necessary to get the advantage over this exchange. 

Roland stared deeply at the messenger and shook his head. "We want one million star coins and a hundred battle horses." 

"Patriarch, the most we can give you is 20 battle horses. I'm sure you are already aware of the value of our horses. Each one of them is in the Foundation Establishment realm. Even if we sell them for an-"

"Two million star coins and 90 battle horses." 

"Patriarch, how could you be so unreasonable? We can't-"