
Fredrinn headed to the second floor of the library to look for some sword techniques. He already got three arcane-rank ice-attributed techniques for Alice so he decided to get some battle techniques for Olivia. The girl would definitely sulk if he didn't give her anything. 

He encountered two disciples on the second floor, but there was nothing special about them so he left after exchanging a few lines. 

After looking around for some time, he finally found three arcane-rank sword techniques. He stowed the books inside his inventory.

'Should I head to the upper floors?' Fredrinn thought for a moment. He wanted to see the techniques on the upper floors, but going there would expose his strength. In the end, he abandoned the idea and left the library.

"Those two will like those books for sure…" Fredrinn chuckled. 


The next morning, Fredrinn handed the techniques he got from the library to Alice and Olivia.