Heading to the Mining Site

Fredrinn saw some people dressed like beggars chatting outside the dilapidated building. 

'Are these guys pretending not to see me?' He smiled wryly. These guys must have been bullied a lot by the previous Fredrinn for them to act like this. 

Fredrinn walked toward them and intentionally coughed to get their attention. 

This time, they finally turned their heads over and stood up to greet him. "Greetings, my lord!" 

Fredrinn nodded and waved his hand. "Where is the head miner?" He asked. 

One of them responded. "The head miner is still at the site, my lord. Do you want me to call him over?" 

Fredrinn shook his head. "It's fine. I'll go there myself." With his enhanced perception, he already knew where the mining site was. 

He didn't wait for them to respond and walked away without looking back. 

"Is that really Fredrinn Firecrown? He used to call us smelly dogs every time he came here. Did he have a change of heart today?"