Two years ago, it was Sister Hong who saved my life. I was born in a family of gamblers. My grandfather was a gambler, my father was a gambler, and even my mother was a gambler. They liked to fancy themselves as inheritors of a thousand-year tradition. In reality, in my eyes, they were just a bunch of illiterate gamblers. They forced me to learn those gambling techniques from a young age. At first, I was quite interested in it, after all, gambling is a basic human instinct. But later on, I watched as their fingers became fewer and fewer. Every time they returned home, they would be missing a part of their body. So, I became more and more opposed to gambling. I once told them that I would rather be a duck in this lifetime than go gambling. And I am a man of my word. 'Majestic words' were indeed fulfilled. Five years ago, my grandparents, parents, and I went to do a big thing. I don't know how big it was. I heard that if we could bring the money back, our family, the Wei family, would have been at least in the top five in the entire province. But unfortunately, what they brought back was not money, but a group of enemies. Five years ago, I personally witnessed the three of them die in front of me. If I had not run fast, I probably would have died too. For the next three years, I lived a very miserable life, wandering around, sometimes even going hungry. But even so, I never went gambling. I would rather starve to death than follow in their footsteps. Two years ago, a severe illness almost killed me, and it was Sister Hong who saved me. That's why I am now following Sister Hong with all my heart and soul. Sister Hong is in her forties and has had many young lovers, but most of them were just played with for a while before being discarded. Some might get a bit of severance pay, and that would be considered not bad. Someone like me, who can be a small leader in her business, is truly unique. 

 Bang! Another young master, Xiao Wen, was thrown out. Xiao Wen walked over to us, holding his groin, limping and stumbling. Everyone quickly gathered around and asked, "Xiao Wen, how are you doing?" Xiao Wen replied with a pained expression, "She tied her necklace around my dick and played dice with me. I lost, and she squeezed it hard. She almost squeezed my balls off!" Everyone took a deep breath of shock. Today, we had encountered a particularly strange customer. Xiao Wen put a stack of money on the table and said, "Look, there's still money left. I've endured it for the sake of the money, but she won't leave. In a little bit, she'll be calling for us again." I nodded. Today, it seemed like I would have to take action. There were only a few decent customers left in the store. If they were played to death or injured by her, I would have no way to explain it to Sister Hong. I quickly walked towards the private room, with Small Tiger and the others following behind me. When I opened the door to the private room, I saw the legendary Big Sister. She was in her forties, and her appearance was well-maintained. If she were five years younger, she would be a top beauty. Even now, she was an attractive young woman with great charm. She was wearing a cheongsam that looked expensive and custom-made, highlighting her curves and showing off her figure. There was a pile of money on the table in front of her, estimated to be around 10,000 yuan. At that time, 0.5 million yuan was a huge amount of money. As soon as I entered the room, Big Sister's eyes began to appraise me. From her gaze, I could tell that she was satisfied with my appearance and attire, even though I was wearing a suit with a badge and she should have known that I wasn't a young master but a manager. Big Sister opened a beer and smiled as she said, "Before we start playing, shall we have a drink first? It might hurt a bit later." I pulled the belt from my waist and gripped it in my hand, saying, "I'll give you five minutes to prepare yourself. I'm going to overpower you."