The young wife was taken aback for a moment before an expression of disbelief appeared on her face.

She picked up a bottle of wine and slammed it onto the ground.

With a loud shatter, a bottle of foreign wine worth over 3,000 yuan was reduced to shards.

"Are you trying to dominate me? Do you know who I am? Who gave you the nerve to do that?"

I calmly looked at the young wife.

Although she looked very angry, I could see that her hands were trembling slightly.

This was not due to anger, but excitement.

I gave her five minutes.

It was just enough time to fully ignite the desire within her.

In these five minutes, the levels of various hormones in her body would rise sharply.

Right now, her skin should be tingling, her cheeks flushed, and her mind filled with anticipation for what was about to happen.

I was not intimidated by her action of smashing the wine bottle.

If she was truly angry, she would have called the several bodyguards downstairs by now.

I placed my belt on the coffee table and took off my suit jacket.

I undid three buttons on my shirt, allowing her to see the gap in my chest muscles.

A man's chest muscles and a woman's cleavage were equally attractive to the opposite sex.

The young wife clearly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but her face still maintained an angry expression.

I took out a cigarette and lit it, moving slowly and relaxed.

There was a sense of being dominant.

The young wife grew impatient, "I'm asking you a question, who gave you the nerve to do that?"

I stood up with the cigarette in my mouth and walked towards her with the belt in my hand.

Every step I took made her more excited.

When I reached her, her breathing had clearly become more rapid.

I raised my wrist and looked at my Rolex watch.

"You have three minutes left."

After saying that, I quickly and skillfully bound her wrists with the belt.

She was startled at first, but when she tried to struggle, it was too late to break free.

"You scoundrel, do you know who I am? Do you believe that with one phone call, I can get you killed?"

I took a puff of smoke and blew it gently onto her face.

The smoke made her cough twice.

I hooked her chin with my finger, leaning in closer.

"Before your bodyguards come up, maybe you'll be dead by my hand."

My words completely ignited the fire of desire within her.

I could clearly see her thighs clenching involuntarily.

Her cheeks were flushed, but her mouth remained hard.

"Do you think you can kill me? I guarantee that I'll kill you instead!"

I looked at my watch again.

"Two minutes left."

After saying that, I walked to the other side of the sofa and slowly unbuttoned my shirt.

I took it off and threw it aside, revealing the muscles on my back.

In this line of work, physical appearance was a must.

To maintain this physique, I had put in a lot of effort to keep my body fat percentage below 15%.

Turning around, my chest and abdominal muscles were all clearly visible to her.

The young wife bit her lip and fixed her gaze on the lines of muscles on my upper body.

Faced with her intense gaze, I did not hesitate either.