Entrance Exam Arc: 6. Death, Finale?

Entering the dungeon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu.

As almost everything felt the same as the last dungeon except for the fact that,

this time the walls were slimy and disgusting, and the air was suffocating.

I readied my knives, and thought about the last encounter with the slime boss.

"Alright, Slimy bastards." I muttered, trying to keep my nerves in check.

I began charging towards the slimes, the number of slimes was twice than of the Isil's Bridge.

The first few slimes were weak as I remembered, easily killed within a few slashes. This time though,

after the slimes dissolved, they dropped some items.

Huh? Wait this wasn't the case during my first encounter?

"Whatever, Slimy bastards you got some more to show?"

After I cut through several of them, my knife was getting slimy and kind of looking disgusting.

"Ugh." I muttered in disgust.

As I ventured deeper into the dungeon, the slimes started getting kind of stronger and aggresive.

Will they keep getting fucking stronger or what?

After quite a while of killing all the slimes, I had finally reached the boss room.

That doesn't matter, anyway I am gonna kill that slimy bastard. I just need to get this over with.

"Yo slimy bastard! I am here to get you fucking moving!" I shouted, to get it's attention.

Why do I hear boss music?

Shit! Not again, The slime boss was charging it's laser beam which could just remove anything in existence. Fuck if I can't dodge it, I am just gonna get mocked

by that bastard. (Referring to his so called parallel self)



It had just missed me by a few centimeters, I won't be so lucky next time by just standing around.


"THIS IS NOT FUCKIN' HAPPENING! THAT LASER BEAM IS OP AS FUCK!" I had ducked behind a boulder, my mind racing to find a way to fight back.


I shook my head, focusing on the present. "Alright, think. I beat it once, I can do it again."

The slime fired another laser beam, barely missing me. I needed a new plan. I looked around frantically, spotting some boulders nearby.


"HEY, YOU BASTARD! SLIME-SHIT! COME OVER HERE AND GET ME!" I had yelled, trying to lure the boss slime towards a trap I had hastily set.


The boulders. I remembered how I had used them to win last time. I sprinted, dodging smaller slimes along the way.

Just as I reached the boulders, the boss fired its laser.


Dammit! The debris didn't reach the bastard, rather hitting me, I have to make it come over here.

Or I have to stab it, okay let's go for another bolder.

"HEY SLIME-SHIT! COME OVER HERE IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS!" I said after reaching the other bolder.

The slime started coming towards me, as it prepared it's laser beam.

They learn nothing to they? I dove and ducked behind the bolder.

As the slime fired it's laser beam, successfully the debris did hit the slime this time.

"Alright, let's see if you're as tired as last time," I muttered, peeking out from behind the boulder.

The boss slime seemed to slow down, just like before. It needed time to recharge.

This was my chance. Just like last time, I hold by knives tightly and charged towards the boss,

stabbing it with all my strength. The slime shrieked and started to dissolve.

"HAH! Got you finally! Piece of shit." I breathed, watching as the boss faded away, followed by the smaller slimes.

Ugh, dammit my knives are slimy and disgusting now. If this was a game there would be an achievement saying

"Slimy knives!"

I layed down, feeling tired. I brushed the sweat out of my eyebrow.

"Ah, will I even get stronger? A mere human with no powers in such a world?"

After a while, I got up and started collecting all the items the slimes had dropped when I killed them, ranging from

gold coins, some crystals, shiny rocks, slime balls, etc.

"Did you had fun?" A voice appeared out of nowhere.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. My vision blurred, and I collapsed to the ground. Everything went pitch black.


"You Died"





I stared at the options. What the hell just happened? If I died how? Was this really how things were going to be?

"Continue?" I whispered, what would happen if I choose continue?

The black screen persisted, the options hovering in front of me. I hesitated, my finger trembling as I reached out to make a choice.


End of Chapter 6
