The "Pecker" who stays up all night

"Just tonight!" Scarlett gritted her teeth, clearly exasperated. She had just agreed to share a bed with him tonight, feeling a bit guilty and not quite realizing what she was agreeing to in the moment.

"Don't worry, it's just sleeping in the same bed, nothing more. I promise I won't even touch you," Ethan said, patting his chest confidently.

Scarlett covered her face, speechless. Ethan could be adorably clueless at times, but also had a knack for seizing the moment. She had just agreed to start dating him, and now she couldn't bring herself to refuse his request. Taking a deep breath, she laid down the law, "We're just sleeping, no funny business, got it?"

"Do you still not trust me?" Ethan teased from the hospital bed, urging her, "Go take a shower."

"Okay." Scarlett looked away, thinking to herself that Ethan probably wouldn't dare do anything too bold.