Ethan, I'm here to collect my payment today~

"Hey Aunt Scarlett! How are you?" Emily greeted, dressed in a white sundress that showed off her shoulders, looking youthful and stunning in her breezy outfit.

"Hello." Scarlett was still preoccupied with the events of last night, feeling somewhat out of it.

It was only when she saw Emily's outfit that she realized it was the weekend and school was out.

"I'm here to see Ethan." Emily said cheerfully, holding a beautifully wrapped gift bag. After greeting Scarlett, she walked over and sat by the bed:

"Hehe, Ethan, missed your adorable girlfriend?"

Ethan, sensing trouble as soon as she arrived and hearing her words, almost jumped out of bed, nearly creating a medical miracle.

"Hey, I'm not your boyfriend, okay? Don't start rumors..."

He glanced at Scarlett, noticing she was heading towards the door of the hospital room, seemingly oblivious to their conversation, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.