Lost Citadel

Far away stood a silhouette of a burdened citadel, stuck in ancient times. The bestowed name of this citadel is "Plagued Stone". This citadel, although cursed, stands proud as one of the only congregations in the country Maryland.

Step. Step. Step. The loud, repeating noise of footsteps echoed through the ancient citadel. These annoying footsteps, coming from a young teenager named Sheldon, portrayed a clear picture of his poverty. The citizens of City County, now known as Plagued Stone, were flabbergasted by his words. After all, the weak, aspiring teen claimed to have the potential to become a Zodiac.

"One day, I will become a Zodiac, and you will root for me in my battles!" Sheldon declared, without any doubt in his words nor hesitation. "All I need to begin my journey to death's door is a weapon of any kind!"

No one seemed to care about his lousy dreams. Sheldon stood there in a gesture of defeat. He decided to go back home.

'My efforts are futile; even I wouldn't give someone like me a dagger for free!' Sheldon thought to himself.

Then he exclaimed, out-loud:

"That's the point! I just need to make enough money to buy a weapon of my choice!"

Tss. Tss. The soothing sound of culinary arts filled the area around his house. The enchanting aroma of pie attracted customers to his house.

"Who wouldn't wanna buy an apple pie!"

Sss. Sss. He sharpened his knife like never before. He then proceeded to cut his pie into slices and wrapping them in polythene bags.

After 2 hours of work, he made himself 32 gold coins, which was enough to buy a shotgun and 64 heavy bullets.

The sun, dipping low on the horizon, enchanted the sky with a rich, golden hue. With only a few minutes left of sunlight, Sheldon made his way to the local weaponry to buy a KSG-12 and 64 of its bullets. After the recent trip to the store, Sheldon ran as fast as he could, as if something major was about to go down.

As Sheldon lay on his bed, he thought of all the downsides of carrying a firearm across the street. Being arrested by the Grand Navy was the worst out-come. The Grand Navy is a group of people armed to the teeth; while Sheldon is just a teen with no battle experience.

The Grand Navy is an international organisation with the goal of inflicting order in our lives through the law. With units in all countries in the world, the Grand Navy is just something that a criminal can't run away from.

Dawn broke out, as Sheldon was awakened from deep slumber. Sheldon wore his usual outfit, consisting of the following: black leather boots, a sweater, black leather gloves and pants. He then proceeded to hang his new gun and a pouch full of its bullets on his belt.

Navigating through the citadel, Sheldon was on the verge of giving up. Time Rifts were nowhere to be found!


Time Rifts are cracks in between Time and Space, allowing for visitors to come in or out. If you were to put it on a simpler context, Time Rifts are basically the dungeons you would see in video games. Conquering a Time Rifts grants you with rewards.


Sheldon then said:

"In a city like this, it should be easy to spot a Time Rift!"

"You need help young man?" asked a cloaked figure with a defined feminine silhouette.

Sheldon then answered:

"Yeah and who are you?"

"Tenisha, but you can call me Teni," Tenisha answered.

Sheldon then tentatively said:

"You have a golden voice, Tenisha."

Teni seemed to be blushing a little. Silence made a gap in their conversation for at least 40 seconds.

Breaking the silence, Sheldon said:

"Anyways, I need help in locating a Time Rift."

Tenisha then gave him an item, saying:

"Here, have this. It's a radar from the Kherit Province. It could be a huge help when locating a Time Rift."

Right before Sheldon could speak, she added:

"Can I join you on your trip?"

"Sure, the more, the merrier!" Sheldon exclaimed, as if he was trying to crack a joke.

Tenisha took her cloak off, revealing beauty beyond human comprehension; but Sheldon didn't care. He just simply took it as a way of showing off. Truly, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

She seemed to be wearing a well-tailored dress. She looked like a maid; the only difference being is that the dress's secondary colour was a light shade of purple. She had long, white gloves on. She also had black leather boots. A grimoire hang on a belt that was on her waist. Tenisha was a beauty to behold.

Dusk arrived, as the group made their final preparations. Will they be enough to conquer a Time Rift? Is a young teenager, wishing to change his life through a Time Rift and a female mage, handling enough power to kill a dragon, enough to defeat this Time Rift? Only time would tell.