The Poem

The strong currents of wind emitted by the Time Rift right before the group made a clear warning of the power lurking inside it. Sheldon was portraying large hints of skepticism in Teni's words.

Tenisha, bursting with confidence, stated:

"These should be enough resources for a Grade 1 Time Rift!"

"Grade 1?!" Sheldon grimaced, "Are you sure I can do this?"

"Of course! After all, the essence to combat is the belief of victory," Tenisha answered.

"Just believe you can do this, okay?"

"I know that I can't," Sheldon said, "but it won't hurt to try."

Sheldon's boots crunched against the rugged terrain of the Plagued Stone, as he ventured into the Time Rift. Tenisha, without any hesitation, followed. As soon as the group entered the Time Rift, it closed on the outside world. This was a huge red flag; the band of warriors was in trouble.

As the warped through the Solstice of Time and Space, the gap between the world in the Time Rift and the real world, the colourful lights emitted by the neighbouring stars made a breath-taking visual of light speed. Sheldon had a fear that his items would get lost; so as a preparation, he gripped his gun well.

Tenisha then said:

"Make sure you don't get lost. There is a high chance that we are separated from the start."

Before he could say anything, the speed at which the group was moving increased by a large margin. Without enough time to think, Sheldon tumbled on what seemed to be a stone surface.

'Is this a shrine?'

Sheldon landed on what seemed to be a shrine. Recovering from the fall, Sheldon stood up. His eyes widened with amazement as he looked forward.

A gust of wind was enough to end his amazement. An extremely cold gust of wind had struck Sheldon's naked body. If the gust of wind was just a tiny bit stronger, it would have sent him flying down the valley.

It was also at this moment that Sheldon noticed that Tenisha wasn't with him

'Good thing she won't be able to see me like this!'

The melodious attunement of a woman's voice could be heard from the escarpments of the valley. Sheldon's curiosity took over. He picked his load-out and headed down. As Sheldon got closer and closer to the voice, it got farther and farther; but Sheldon was faster. Sheldon, with a strong leap, lunged at the running figure.

As a reaction to Sheldon's move, the woman did a weak side-dash and slightly lifted her leg, causing Sheldon to trip. This gave the woman a wide opening, but before she could swing, Sheldon propelled himself forward with his feet. Getting back up, Sheldon regained his stance.

The woman then sang:

"Oh don't deceive me!"

Sheldon never saw her again.

'She, she disappeared?!'

Sheldon then looked at his destination from the azure forest he was situated in.

"That," Sheldon said, "is a beautiful city."