Chapter: 1 A Lie

"Ma, see I got you a flower." Lily ran to her with a smile that would melt a mother's eyes, her mom took the flower and kiss her forehead and smile as she spoke. "But the Lord has already sent me a flower, you my beautiful Lily."

"Yes, mom I'm your beautiful flower."

"Oo your brother is here come let us go and greet him." her mother said, and Lily ran to the door where her brother has just entered and when he saw her, he opens his arm to receive a hug from her and she happily hugs him.

"Ma I brough fish."

"Honey you always bring fish for dinner."

"What can I say you born a man with strong appetite."

"I sure did." Soon after the family of three dine and enjoy their meal.

"How was your day son?"

"Great mother as always since I have your blessing."

"Good to hear."

"Ma, I want to hear a story."

"I would love to, but Mother have to clean why don't your brother tell you a story."

"But ma I don't have any to talk about."

"Then find one."

"Once the live a mother who was love by her two children Lily and Judas....their mother would force them to bed and give them spoil fish for dinner...." That caught their mother's attention and she glare at him buy he just smile as he continues.

"Then one night she forces the oldest to tell a story that harm the boy isn't she a wicked mother huh...Lily."

"Yes such bad, bad woman making her oldest son tell story."

Just then their mother came from the kitchen with a broom, and they begin to run around. "You ungrateful children I will get your stop running."

"Mother we love you." Judas yelled

"Yes, mother we love you so much."

"Time to sleep go to bed now both of you."

"Ma I'm not a child." Judas said

"And I'm stay your mother."

"Lily go and sleep I want to talk to ma alone." as Lily left the room judas turn to his mother who couldn't look him in the eye anymore.

"I know what you want to talk about."

"Good cause I hope you have a solution cause I'm tired lying to that little girl I'm not her real brother."

"Just hold on for some time she will soon be ripe for the eating, and she can join her real mother and brother in our belly." they both laugh evilly as they embrace each other poor Lily had no idea she's lunch.