Chapter 2 The Attack

Lily was playing with her friends when the ground begins to shake, the clam water became blurry, and all the birds flew away so did the people Lily ran to her hut to see her mother gone and the house was empty everything gone she fight back the tears and decided to search to the place her brother works but as she opens the door chaos awaits, her eyes widen as she saw fire everywhere, dead bodies all around then she saw a man violate a woman on the street, children being capture men and women been butcher like some meat and she wonder where her family could be just then a man spotted her she begin to run for her life as her feet took every step her eyes grew dizzy, she was about to fall off but a man grab her and lifted her up on his horse and whisper something in her ear and she felt numb her body was unable to move and with all her might she scream. "Leave me alone, let me go, who are you."

"That shouldn't be your concern right now, I want you to look little girl look at what you have course." he said as he lifted up her chin aggressively and let her watch her friends, home and hope get destroy. 

"What....what are you saying?"

"When the time comes you will know if you are alive by then." he laugh loudly and as Lily watch in horror while her mind process all what this evil man has said is he trying to put fear in her.

"I'm...I'm not afraid of you."

"OH no my child it is you who you should be afraid of and never forget wherever you go chaos is one step behind..." and as he laughs widely and loudly, he hit her head hard and Lily felt her eyes weaken and fell asleep and await the disaster that will unfold when those eyes open again.

Lily was wakened up with a very cold water and as her eyes slowly open, she saw a woman so beautiful that she almost looks like a goddess.

"Finally, you open those eyes of yours I almost thought of killing you."

'Killing me?' she thought.

"Now slave let me tell you where you are since this is all new to you, you are at the most dangerous yet lovable place not for you of course in the world 'DOULON KENTRON' (slave center in ancient Greek) for short maids will clean you up and then we begin." Lily watches the woman laugh as she exit the room.