Chapter 3 New Life

Lily was bath thoroughly just to be put in maid's clothing se hated it, but she was no fool to complain because she knows whatever this place is it not a good place after she was done, she was escorted to the mistress room. "Mistress she is ready."

"Bring her in."

"Who... are... you." Lily mouth tremble as she asked.

"You will get to know as time goes by for now let me tell you what this place really is walk with me Lily."

"How do...."

"And.... and no questions."

Lily follows the woman and as she was wondering where they were heading to, and the woman stop so did she and before them stood a huge golden door that left Lily in complete amazement but as the door open and the bright light flashes in her face and her eyes get clear to what was ahead her kneel tremble in fear and the lady laugh at Lily's expression as she begin to explain. "Now you know this is no ordinary slave center, where you came from or whatever joy you had forget about it and focus on your freedom cause this place is like a prison and it opens your eyes to a new world." Lily was a bit scared and shock at the same time yet fascinated cause what she is seeing right now is unbelievable. "Are you scare Lily?"

"Not much ma'am."

"Good so tell me what you think of this?"


"You can speak freely for now."

"Fascinating ma'am."

"You find these creatures fascinating now I'm starting to take a liking in you."

"Why are they all gathering here for, do they live here."

"No, you see these creatures are horrible now but when they leave here, they take the form of their human self-see that man with the wings and horn when he steps out of that door, he will hide his wing and horn and begin to live like humans ruling over them like a king all because he sees himself powerful, and the beast will lose all of his fur and transform into a human so will the merman."

"OH.. what about those who already look like human."

"These are the night creatures my dear very powerful and fearful."

"Night creatures."

"The night creature can either be a werewolf, a vampire, a dark witch or a demon the most powerful and rarest of them all."

"I've read some books about them I thought they were myth."

"Now you know they are real and you are yet to see how cruel and dangerous they can be."
