Chapter 4

Just than a beautiful girl walks dress in a beautiful red dress that was very much revealing and then the music begins to play, and she begin to dance her steps was graceful and beautiful but as Lily look into the audience eyes, they show no interest, and it makes her wonder why they are here if they don't look happy nor entertain by this beautiful lady.

"What are you thinking Lily?"

"Why are they so unmoved?"

"Let me tell you a secret about them, they like woman who are bold and unafraid."


"Her dance is beautiful, but her mind is weak therefore they don't show any interest in her."

"She is scared... so they can sense fear?"

"Yes, one of their many gifts being ugly and unhuman you get used to it people fearing you all the time."

"That most hurt."

"If you care... hmmm now we are done for now I'll have one of my maids show you your room and training starts tomorrow."


"Yes, you don't think you were going to live here forever one of these days you will be the on in place of that girl."

Lily smile as she turns but her smile soon turns into a sad one as she though. "Why Lord why me is this to be my life a slave in and out of this place... never not me I have to be strong I have to..." as she walks behind the girl, she realized that she has grown her mind was developed somehow and it makes her wonder how long she slept for just as her mind was wondering elsewhere the maid stop and open the door for her and Lily felt her body tremble as her mind register what was Infront of her is this a room she ask. "Is this really mine...there must be a mistake."

"Shut up and enter this is your room and no more questions."

"But the other girls got nicer room."

"The other girls are the selected you on the other hand is nothing but a roach so you most live like one." and just like that the maid left leaving Lily all alone in this dusty, dark and mess up room.

"Such a mad woman." she said as she lights up the lamp and begin to clean the place a bit when she was done, she sat on her bed which was a mat and cry as her mind reminded her to be strong and that this place was no area for a weak person.