Chapter 13

Lily was laying on her mat looking at the roof top waiting for sleep to take over her and all she could think about was that stranger she wanted to see him, and she knew not of this feeling bubbling inside her right now, but she like it and as her eyes drifted off to sleep a pleasing smile falls upon her lips.

 "Welcome Lily."

"It's you again."

"Sit by me Lily." He said briefly and she as she walks slowly to sit right next to him, she couldn't get the thought of his finger touching her out of her mind.

"What are you thinking about." he asked as he notice her red cheeks, she turns to him trying to figure out a lie because the is no way she was going to tell him she was missing his finger. "You are so close."

"I like it... being close to you."

"Tell me of your day Lily."

"It went well."

"Explain." he said as he lay his head on her lap, and she was shocked but silent and as he places his finger between hers, Lily felt that feeling again like something was rumbling up inside her stomach and she couldn't hide her smile this strange man was a charm.

And as she opens her mouth to speak, she couldn't close it and it was then she found herself senselessly telling him everything. "You dance today well I would love to see you dance Lily." he said as he kisses her hand sweetly, once again charming her with his soft and delicate ways.

"What about you?"

"You don't want to know about my day Lily." he said.

"Tell me and I'll dance for you."

"Tempting, but I rather not tell you my lady for it is frightening.

"Fine then remove you head from my lap, and I'll leave and don't follow me." she said and with a heavy sigh he begins to speak. "I may be nice to you Lily but not to everyone, where I come from, I am ruthless."

"What did you do?"

"I kill and torture some men."

"What did they do, for I am sure a man such as yourself wouldn't kill for his own pleasure."

"I must say Lily you really have trust in me."

"Got a problem with that."

"No, never it is rather pleasing." he said, and she smile at him.

"They were men of the man who killed my mother, so I rip their heads off after I found them useless to me." he said, and it was then she notices the scar on his neck.

"How is your neck?"

"You are worried about me; shouldn't you feel disgust or scare."

"Although I don't remember my mother, I know the pain of losing one." she said with a smile on her face as she kisses his scar and then his lips and he kiss her back and as they pull away with eyes still staring at each other Lily felt her face turn hot.

"Dance for me Lily I really want to see you dance." he said as he gently cup her face 
